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勞工保險生育給付 Labor Insurance Maternity Benefit

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


Female insured who gives birth after holding the insurance for 280 days.

Female insured who gives premature birth after holding the insurance for 181 days.

Female insured who is pregnant within the insurance policy period, and meets the number of days specified in 1 or 2. Thereafter, gives birth or premature birth within one year after the insurance is suspended.

※ 全民健康保險施行後,男性被保險人之配偶分娩、早產、流產及女性被保險人流產者,均不得請領生育給付,僅女性被保險人分娩或早產可以請領生育給付。
After the implementation of the National Health Insurance, the spouse of the male insured is not allowed to claim maternity benefits for childbirth, premature birth, and miscarriage. Female insured who suffers through miscarriage is also not allowed to claim maternity benefits. Only the female insured who gives birth or premature birth is allowed to claim maternity benefits.

※ 所謂【早產】係指胎兒產出時妊娠週數20週以上(含140天)但未滿37週(不含259天)。如妊娠週數不明確時,可採胎兒產出時體重超過500公克但未滿2,500公克為判斷標準---依照勞動部105年3月11日勞動保2字第  1050140098號函釋規定。
The so-called "premature birth" refers to the gestational weeks of more than 20 weeks (140 days in total) but less than 37 weeks (excluding day 259th onwards) when the baby is delivered. If the gestational week is unclear, weight measurement of the preterm baby (weighs more than 500 grams but less than 2,500 grams during his or her time of delivery) may be adopted as the standard criteria  according to the Ministry of Labor's official code: No. 2 Letter 1050140098 released on March 11, 2016.  

●給付標準Payment Criteria

一、按被保險人分娩或早產當月 (退保後生產者為退保當月)起,前6個月之平均月投保薪資一次給與生育給付60日。From the month of the insured's delivery or premature birth (If the insured gives birth after surrender, the date starts from the month of the surrender), the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months will given maternity benefit at once for 60 days.

The amount may increase proportionally if giving birth to twins or more.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

The following documents should be prepared for the written application for maternity benefits: (A copy of the household registration is not required)

(一)勞工保險生育給付申請書及給付收據(被保險人可以自行申請,自行申請者,申請書下方投保單位 證明欄免填)。勞工保險生育給付申請書及給付收據 Labor Insurance Maternity Benefit Application Form and Payment Receipt (The insureds can apply by themselves. For those who apply by themselves do not need to fill out the insured unit at the bottom of the application form).

Infant's birth certificate (For those who have completed birth registration).

(三)死產者,應檢附醫院、診所或領有執業執照之醫師、助產人員所出具之死產證明書(需載明產婦姓名、 身分證字號、出生日期、懷孕週數或最終月經日期、死產日期及原因)。
In the case of stillbirth, a certificate issued by a hospital, clinic, or licensed physician should be attached (must state the name of the mother, ID number, date of birth, weeks of pregnancy or last menstrual period, and the date of death and reason).

If one becomes pregnant within the insurance policy period, and gives birth or premature birth abroad from the same pregnancy within one year after the insurance is suspended, a certificate of diagnosis of the pregancy from a hospital or clinic in The Republic of China, Taiwan should be attached. For those who have difficulty with the certificate of diagnosis, relevant documents from hospital or clinic overseas may be applicable (the aforementioned documents must include the date of visit and weeks of pregnancy or the date of the last menstrual period).

If the attached birth certificate or relavant documents are issued by government agencies other than the Republic of China, Taiwan, a photocopy of the insured’s passport must be attached. Document verification is also required by the following units (if the documents are written in a foreign language, one may either provide the Chinese translation for verification or have the documents notarized by a domestic public notary. However, if the documents are written in English, the Chinese translation may not be attached unless it’s required by the insurer.)

Birth certificate issued from abroad should be verified either by the embassy, consulate or representative office of the Republic of China, Taiwan. However, if the birth certificate is issued by foreign embassies, consulates, or authorized institutions in Taiwan, the document should be re-examined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, Taiwan. (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the right to decide whether the the nature of the document and handling procedures are to be accepted in order to be re-examined. If you have any doubts or concerns, please contact the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China, Taiwan. Tel: 02-23432888)

Documents issued in the People's Republic of China should be notarized by the notary office of the People's Republic of China and verified by the Straits Exchange Foundation of the Republic of China.

Documents issued in Hong Kong or Macau should be verified by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong or Macau.

Applying for maternaity benefits and birth registration simultaneously at the Household Registration Office:

(一) 被保險人僅須備妥本人之國內金融機構或郵局存簿帳戶資料,透過戶政事務所通報申請。
The insured may apply through the household registration office with the account information from domestic financial institution or post office.

A power of attorney is required if the insured is unable to apply on his/her own behalf. The power of attorney should be filled out and submitted by a trustee (The power of attorney form can be downloaded from the official website of the Department of Household Registration, M.O.I).

The insured can apply for maternity benefits online with the citizen digital certificate issued by the Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C, Taiwan.

Log in to the "個人網路申報及查詢作業" page through the Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor website and select "申辦作業"/"勞保生育給付申辦Labor Insurance Maternity Benefit Application" to start the application process.

※Those who have completed the registration of newborn births, or who have produced domestically, agree to download "Birth Notification Information" (including live births and stillbirths) from the "Personalized Data Autonomous Application (MyData) Platform" when applying online and transmit them to the Bureau, namely There is no need to send the original birth certificate or stillbirth certificate to the Bureau. (Download MyData Birth Notification Information Process)

The insured unit on behalf of the insured for applying maternity benefits online:

The insured must prepare a "Consent Form" (download the blank form) to apply for labor insurance maternity benefit. The insured unit may authorize personnel to login to 「投保單位網路申報及查詢作業」and select「給付申辦作業」/「勞保生育給付申辦」to start the application procedure.

Only one of the above application methods is required. Those who have already applied through the household registration office or completed the online application for maternity benefits are not required to send the application form to the bureau. Please note that if sending application documents twice, they must be reviewed together. Thus, this may increase the time for verification.

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

Once the completed application procedures are reviewed and confirmed, the bureau may issue the payment within 10 days upon receiving the application form. The remitting process may take 3 to 5 days to the receipient’s domestic financial institution account.

●申請書表Application form


Labor Insurance Maternity Benefit Application Form and Payment Receipt


Labor Insurance Benefits – Maternity Benefits FAQ

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工保險傷病給付 Labor Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits)

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


The insured, due to common injury or sickness and must be hospitalized, is unable to work and receive original salary. If the insured is currently under treatment, he or she may claim common injury or sickness subsidy starting from the 4th day that he/she is unable to work. Please note that the benefit does not cover outpatient clinic or the time during home recuperation.

If the insured is unable to work and receive original salary due to injury or occupational disease from performing his or her duties. While under treatment, he or she may claim for occupational injury and sickness compensation starting from the 4th day that he/she is unable to work

●給付標準Payment Criteria

Common injury subsidy and common sickness subsidy are both based on half of the average monthly insured salary six months prior to the month when the insured suffered from injury or disease and was hospitalized. The subsidy will be paid once every half month under the span of 6 months starting from the 4th day of hospitalization while the insured is unable to work. However, for those who possess one year of insurance seniority before the injury or illness accident happens, the payment will be increased by 6 months, adding up to a total of 1 year.

Occupational injury compensation and occupational disease compensation are both based on 70% of the average monthly insured salary 6 month prior to the month when the insured suffered an injury or occupational disease. The compensation will be paid once every half month starting from the 4th day of not being able to work. If the patient has not recovered after 1 year, the compensation will be reduced to half of the average monthly insurance salary, but it is limited to 1 year, and the total amount will be paid for 2 years.

※ 被保險人111年4月30日(含當日)前因執行職務而致傷害或職業病(遭遇職災),且已提出申請或續請職災傷病給付者,給付標準適用本點規定。如尚未初次提出申請,且於111年5月1日勞工職業災害保險及保護法施行後,未逾5年請領時效者,得選擇依勞工職業災害保險及保護法規定。111年5月1日(含當日)後遭遇職災,適用勞工職業災害保險及保護法規定。詳見「勞工職業災害保險/傷病給付」。
※ If the insured suffers an injury or occupational disease (occupational accident) due to performing duties before April 30, 2011 (including the day), and has applied for or renewed the payment of occupational injury, injury and disease, the payment standard shall apply to the provisions of this point. If the application has not been filed for the first time, and after the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act came into effect on May 1, 2011, the statute of limitations for claiming has not exceeded 5 years. If an occupational accident occurs after May 1, 2011 (including the day), the provisions of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Law shall apply. For details, please refer to "Worker Occupational Accident Insurance/Injury and Disease Benefit".

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

請領傷病給付,應檢送下列書據證件 (均應蓋妥印章,可郵寄或送件至本局申請):
Please submit the following documents to the bureau (all should be stamped):

Labor Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits Application and Payment Receipt

※ 申請書依規定應洽投保單位蓋章,惟被保險人申請傷病不能工作期間如係於退保後一年內,符合勞工保險條例第20條第1項規定得自行提出申請,或投保單位有歇業、解散、撤銷、廢止、受破產宣告或其他情事,未能蓋章者,得說明原因自行申請。
※ The application form should be stamped by the insured unit according to regulations. According to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph 1 of the Labor Insurance Regulations, the insured may self-apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits under the following two circumstances. 1) If he or she cannot work within one year after the withdrawal of the insurance. 2) The application form cannot be stamped because the insured unit is under closure, dissolution, revocation, annulment, declared bankruptcy, or other circumstances.

二、傷病診斷書正本。Injury or sickness certificate

三、其他文件:Other documents:

If an injury occurs while going to work, getting off work, or on a business trip, applicants of occupational injury/disease benefits need to fill out an injury statement stating the injury has occurred while going to work, getting off work, or on a business trip".

Relevant supporting documents (such as employer and witness certificates, attendance records, salary records, etc.).

注意事項Important notices

The statute of limitation is five years starting from the first day of claim.

[Explanation]: On December 19, 2012, President Hua Zongyiyi Zi No. 10100279771 announced the amendment to the provisions of "Article 30 of the Labor Insurance Regulations". According to the provisions of Article 13 of the Central Regulations and Standards Law, it will come into effect on December 21, 2012. In addition, according to the Letter No. 1010140557 dated December 26, 2012, by the Labor Committee of the Executive Yuan, please refer to the following below:

1. 上開條文修正生效後發生之保險給付請求權,應依修正後之規定辦理,其請求權時效為5年。
The statute of limitations of claiming the insurance is 5 years according to the regulation mentioned above.

If the applicant’s right to claim insurance has not exceeded 2 years, in order to protect his or her right to claim insurance benefits, the statute of limitation will be 5 years according to the revised regulations which has taken effect on December 21, 2012.

This payment may be claimed through installments or be claimed all at once after the injury has recovered and the insured has resumed back to work. Please do not apply within the 5-year limitation of the claim.

If the insured suffered an occupational injury or illness before April 30, 2011 (including the day), if you want to claim the benefits of occupational accident insurance in accordance with the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, please download the "Labor and Occupational Accident Insurance" Benefit Application Form and fill it out use.

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

If the application procedures have been completed and verified for payment, the payment will be processed within 10 working days from the date of receiving the application by the bureau. The payment will be remitted to the applicants' financial account within 3 to 5 working days.

●申請書表Application form



Labor Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits) Application Form and Payment Receipt

●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Confirmed COVID-19 Labor Insurance Injury and IllnessApplication and Payment Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.


Labor Insurance Benefits - Injury and Sickness Benefit FAQ

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工保險失能給付 Labor Insurance Permanent Disability Benefit

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


Permanent Disability Benefit: The insured suffers through disease or injury (Symptoms may be stablized after treatment, but the treatment effect may not live up to expectation) and is diagnosed by the selected hospitals under the National Health Insurance Plan as permanently disabled. Therefore, if the insured is assessed as permanently incapacitated and meets the standard criteria of the permanent disability benefit or Person with Disabilities Rights Protection Act, he or she may apply for disability pension benefits.

1. 經審定失能狀態符合失能給付標準附表所定失能狀態列有「終身無工作能力」者,共計20項。
There are 20 items for those who meets the permanent disability benefit criteria as permanently incapacitated.

2. 為請領失能年金給付,經審定失能程度符合第1至7等級,並經個別化專業評估工作能力減損達70%以上,且無法返回職場者。
One may apply for permanent disability benefit if he or she meets all of the following: (1) Proof of disability level from 1 to 7 (2) Work ability has decreased over 70% through individual professional assessment (3) Unable to return to the workplace.

二、失能一次金Lump-Sum Disability Benefits:

1. 被保險人遭遇傷害或罹患疾病,經治療後,症狀固定,再行治療仍不能期待其治療效果,經全民健康保險特約醫院診斷為永久失能,失能狀態符合失能給付標準規定,但未達「終身無工作能力」之給付項目者,得1次請領失能給付。
The insured suffers through disease or injury (Symptoms may be stabilized after treatment, but the treatment effect may not live up to expectation) and is diagnosed by the selected hospitals under the National Health Insurance Plan as permanently disabled. The insured may claim permanent disability benefit at once if he or she meets the permanent disabled benefit criteria, but does not meet the permanently incapacitated criteria.

2. 被保險人之失能狀態符合「終身無工作能力」之給付項目者,且於98年1月1日前有保險年資者,亦得選擇1次請領失能給付。
The insured may choose to claim permanent disability benefit at once if he or she meets the criteria of permanent incapacitated and has seniority of insurance records before January 1, 2009.

●給付標準Payment Criteria

If the insured was diagnosed with disability before April 30, 2011 (including the day) due to occupational injury or occupational disease, and has applied for occupational accident disability benefits, or continues to receive occupational accident disability pension benefits, may subject to the rules of this page. If the application has not yet been filed, and after the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act came into effect on May 1, 2011, the statute of limitations for claiming has not exceeded 5 years. After May 1, 2011 (including the day), the disability due to occupational accident diagnosis shall be subject to the provisions of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Law. For details, please refer to "Worker Occupational Accident Insurance/Disability Benefit"

The payment shall be reviewed and processed according to the disability items, disability level, and payment days specified in the Permanent Disability Benefit payment criteria and its appendix.

二、失能項目Disability items:
According to the Permanent Disability Benefit payment criteria and its appendix, a grading system is sought to evaluate 12 disability types, 220 disability items, and 15 disability levels for different parts of the body (mental, nerves, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, chest and abdomen organs, trunk, head, face and neck, skin, upper limbs, and lower limbs).

三、平均月投保薪資及平均日投保薪資之計算The Calculation of Average Monthly Insured Salary and Average Daily Insured Salary:

1. 失能年金:按被保險人加保期間最高60個月之月投保薪資平均計算。
Permanent Disability Pension: Is calculated based on the insured’s average monthly insured salary for a maximum of 60 months during the insured period.

2. 失能一次金(含職業傷病失能補償一次金):按被保險人發生保險事故(即診斷永久失能日期)之當月起前6個月之實際月投保薪資平均計算;平均日投保薪資以平均月投保薪資除以30計算之。
Lump-Sum Disability benefit (including Occupational Injury or Disease Disability Compensation) is calculated by the actual monthly insured salary 6 month prior to the starting month of the accident (the date when the insured is diagnosed as permanent disabled); The average monthly salary divided by 30 may be the average daily insured salary.

3. 被保險人同時受僱於2個以上投保單位者,其普通事故保險給付之月投保薪資得合併計算,不得超過勞工保險投保薪資分級表最高一級。但連續加保未滿30日者,不予合併計算。
If the insured is employed by two or more insured units at the same time, the monthly insured salary paid by ordinary accident insurance may be calculated on a combined basis, and may not exceed the highest level of the labor insurance salary scale. However, it will not be combined for calculation if the continuous insurance coverage is less than 30 days.

四、給付額度Payment Amount:

(一)、失能年金Permanent Disability Pension:

1. 依被保險人之保險年資計算,每滿1年,發給平均月投保薪資之1.55%(即平均月投保薪資 × 年資 × 1.55% )。
The insured may receive 1.55% of the average monthly insurance salary (average monthly insurance salary × seniority × 1.55%) every year according to seniority.

2. 金額不足新台幣4,000元者,按新台幣4,000元發給。
If the amount is less than NT$4,000, it will be paid as NT$4,000.

3. 被保險人具有國民年金保險年資者,已繳納保險費之年資,每滿1年,按其國民年金保險之月投保金額1.3%計算發給(即國保之月投保金額 × 繳費年資 × 1.3%)。
The insured may receive 1.3% of the monthly insurance amount of the national pension insurance each year if the insured has national pension insurance seniority and has paid the insurance premium. (The monthly insurance amount of the national pension × the premium payment year × 1.3% )

4. 合併勞工保險失能年金給付及國民年金保險身心障礙年金給付後,金額不足新台幣4,000元者,按新台幣4,000元發給。
If the amount is less than NT$4,000 after combining the labor insurance permanent disability pension and the National Pension Insurance disability pension, it will be paid at NT$4,000.

5. 因職業傷害或罹患職業病失能者,另一次發給20個月職業傷病失能補償一次金。
A 20-month occupational injury and disability compensation will be issued for those who are disabled due to occupational injuries or occupational diseases

6. 保險年資未滿1年者,依實際加保月數按比例計算;未滿30日者,以1個月計算。
If the insurance seniority is less than one year, it will be calculated proportionally according to the actual number of months of insurance coverage; if it is less than 30 days, it will be calculated as one month.

7.眷屬補助Dependent Benefit:

‧ 加發眷屬補助:請領失能年金給付者,同時有符合下列條件之配偶或子女時,每一人加發依第53條規定計算後金額25%之眷屬補助,最多加計50%。
Additional dependent benefit: If a permanent disability pension applicant also has a spouse or child who meets the following conditions, each person may receive an additional dependent benefit of 25% up to a maximum of 50% according to Article 53.

一、符合下列情形之一之配偶 Spouse who meets one of the following conditions.

1. 年滿55歲,且婚姻關係存續1年以上。但如無謀生能力或有扶養下列規定之子女者,不在此限
At least 55 years old, and the marriage lasts more than one year. However, it is not limited to the person who is unable to earn a living capacity or has children to raise under the following conditions.

2. 年滿45歲,婚姻關係存續1年以上,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級第一級。
At least 45 years old, and the marriage lasts more than 1 year. Monthly working income does not exceed the first level of the insurance salary classification.

二、符合下列情形之一之子女(養子女須有收養關係6個月以上)Children who meet one of the following conditions (adopted children must be adopted for more than 6 months)

1. 未成年Underaged Minor
2. 無謀生能力Incapable of Earning a livelihood
3. 25歲以下,在學,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級第一級。Under the age of 25, currently in school, and his or her monthly work income does not exceed the first level of the insurance salary classification.

‧ 停發眷屬補助:眷屬資格不符時,其眷屬補助應停止發給。
Suspension of dependent benefit: When the family member does not meet the qualifications, the family member's depedent benefit should be stopped.

The spouse is suspended to receiving dependent benefits under the following conditions:

1. 再婚。Re-married
2. 不符合前項所定配偶之請領條件。Does not meet the conditions for claiming the dependent benefit as a spouse.

The child (or children) is (are) suspended to receiving dependent benefits under the following condition:

Do not meet the conditions for claiming the dependent benefit as a child or children.

The spouse and child (children) are suspended to receiving dependent benefits under the following condition:

1. 入獄服刑、因案羈押或拘禁。Be in prison, custody or detained.
2. 失蹤。Report missing

Lump-Sum Disability benefit: If the disabled person meets the highest 1st level due to common injuries or common diseases, he or she may receive 1200 days of payment, whereas the lowest 15th level may receive 30 days of payment. If due to occupational injuries or occupational diseases, the payment will be increased by 50%, which he or she may receive the maximum 1800 days of payment or minimum 45 days of payment.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

應備書件Required Documents

The following documents should be submitted if the insured applies for permanent disability benefits, (send applications to the bureau by post or submit in person at the bureau):

Labor Insurance Permanent Disability Payment Application and Payment Receipt.

The application form should be stamped by the insured unit. If the insured is diagnosed with permanent disability within one year after the surrender of the insurance policy, according to Article 20, Item 1 of the Labor Insurance Regulations, the applicant may self-apply for the benefit. If the insured unit is unable to issue stamps due to closed down or disbandment, revocation, annulment, declared bankruptcy, or other reasons, the applicant may have to explain the reasons while applying for the benefit.

Labor Insurance Disability Diagnosis Certificate (The insured should contact a medical institution to issue the certificate, and send it to the Bureau within 5 days after it is issued.)

1. 眼、耳、咀嚼嚥下及言語機能、胸腹部臟器(機能失能)、脊柱畸形或運動失能、上下肢機能或皮膚失能者,其失能診斷書應由「衛生福利部醫院評鑑優等以上、醫院評鑑合格之醫學中心或區域醫院、醫院評鑑及教學醫院評鑑合格」之全民健康保險特約醫院出具。但澎湖縣、金門縣、連江縣等離島之被保險人申請失能給付時,不在此限。
The disability diagnosis certificate for vision, hearing, chewing, swallowing and speech functions, thoracic and abdominal organs (disability), spinal deformity or akinesia, upper and lower limb function or skin disability should be issued by hospitals that are evaluated as excellent or above by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Hospital, or has passed the medical center or regional hospital, hospital evaluation and teaching hospital evaluation. In addition, the hospitals have to be listed under the national health care insurance plan. However, the above mentioned is not applicable for the insureds who are from Penghu County, Kinmen County, Lianjiang County and other islands.

2. 精神失能者,應由精神科專科醫師診斷出具;神經失能者,應由神經科、神經外科或復健科專科醫師診斷出具;膀胱失能者,應由泌尿科專科醫師診斷出具。
The mentally disabled should be diagnosed and be issued a certificate of diagnosis by a psychiatrist. The neurologically disabled should be diagnosed and be issued a certificate of diagnosis by a neurology, neurosurgery or rehabilitation specialist. The bladder incapacitated should be diagnosed and be issued a certificate of diagnosis by a urologist. 

3. 其餘失能種類得由全民健康保險特約醫院或診所出具。
Other types of disability can be issued by special hospitals or clinics of the National Health Insurance Plan.

4. 在本條例施行區域外失能者,得由原應診之醫院或診所出具。
Those with disabilities outside the enforcement area of this Act may be issued by the original hospital or clinic.

An application form and payment receipt of labor insurance permanent disability pension plus dependent benefits (only for those who are claiming dependent benefits and have spouses or children who meet the conditions).

Reports and relevant images and pictures must be attached for those who have undergone medical examination

五、上下班或公出途中發生事故失能者,須附勞工保險被保險人上下班(公出)途中發生事故而致傷害陳述書及駕車者之駕照正背面影本。(上述空白表格亦可電洽本局 02-23961266轉分機3666綜合索表組或逕洽本局總局一樓服務台、本局各縣市辦事處索取。)
The insured must attach a statement of injury and a copy of the driver's license if the disability is caused by an accident while going to work, or getting off work, or on a business trip (The above forms can be obtained by calling the Comprehensive Requisition Team of the Bureau at 02-23961266, ext. 3666, or by contacting the Service Desk on the 1st Floor of the General Bureau of the Bureau or the offices of the Bureau in various counties and cities.) 

If the insured wants to apply for occupational accident disability benefit, in addition to the application documents mentioned above, relevant certification documents should be provided according to different occupational accidents, such as the certificate of the insured unit, employer certificate, witness certificate, accident statement of going to work and getting off work (including official business trip) (forms prepared by this bureau), police station record, attendance punch record….etc in order to prove that the insured becomes disabled due to occupational accident.

注意事項Important Notice

1. 請領失能給付者,需於醫院診斷為永久失能之日起5年內提出申請。
Those who claim permanent disability benefits must be diagnosed by the hospital as permanently disabled and apply within 5 years from the date of the diagnosis. 

【說明】:101年12月19日總統華總一義字第10100279771號令公布修正「勞工保險條例第30條」條文,依中央法規標準法第13條規定,自101年12月21日起生效施行。另依行政院勞工委員會101年12月25日勞保2字第 1010140557號函示略以:
[Explanation]: On December 19, 2012, President Hua Zongyiyi Zi No. 10100279771 announced the amendment to the provisions of "Article 30 of the Labor Insurance Regulations". According to the provisions of Article 13 of the Central Regulations and Standards Law, it will come into effect on December 21, 2012. In addition, according to the Letter No. 1010140557 of the Labor Committee of the Executive Yuan dated December 25, 2012, please see the following:

Claims for insurance benefits after the amendments to the above-mentioned provisions may come into effect and shall be handled in accordance with the amended provisions. The time period for the claims is 5 years.

The amendment to the provisions came into effect On December 21, 2012, which protects the claimant's right to claim insurance benefits if the time period has not exceeded 2 years. According to the revised regulations, it the claimant has not used his or her right to claim insurance benefits within 5 years, the right may be invalidated.

Before the amendment of the provisions on December 21, 2012, if no application has been filed within 2 years while the right to claim insurance benefits is still effective, or is denied payment due to the statute of limitations, according to the principle of non-retroactivity of the law, the insurance claim shall be subjected to the pre-amendment policy, and the right to claim insurance benefits may be invalidated.

Please do not apply for permanent disability benefits if the insured is still under treatment and the symptoms have not been stabilized.


(1) If the insured’s disabled condition has met the condition of “Permanent Incapacitated”, and has claimed permanent disability benefit, the insurance shall be surrendered by the bureau from the date of being diagnosed as permanent disabled.

(2) If the insured has been assessed through individual professional assessments as permanently incapacitated, and claims "Permanent Disability Pension”, the insurance shall be surrendered by the bureau from the date of being diagnosed as permanent disabled.

If the applicant's disability level meets the "permanently incapacity" benefit item or meets the requirement of claiming “permanent disability pension" through individual professional assessment as being assessed as permanently incapacitated, the applicant may only claim one benefit if he or she is eligible for claiming both permanent disability benefit and old-age benefit at the same time.

If the disability status of the insured meets the permanent disability benefit payment standard and is listed as "pemanantly incapacitated", the insured may apply for permanent disability pension on a monthly basis. However, those who have insurance seniority before January 1, 1998 may choose to claim the total amount of permanent disability benefit at once. The insured should choose carefully because the decision cannot be changed once approved by the Bureau.

6. 因職業傷害或罹患職業病領取失能年金給付者,另一次發給20個月職業傷病失能補償一次金。
For those who receive permanent disability pension due to occupational injury or occupational disease, another 20-month occupational injury and disability compensation will be issued

If the insured's body is already partially disabled, and the disability of the same part of the body is aggravated due to injury or illness, or the disability occurs in different parts, the payment amount should be calculated based on the degree of disability of the aggravated part, according to the permanent disability benefit payment standard and its attached table. However, the total shall not exceed the first level of the payment standard.

8. 被保險人因身體局部失能領取失能給付後,再因傷病致失能程度加重,如選擇一次請領失能給付者,原已領取之給付日數應予扣除;如選擇按月領取年金給付者,則按月發給失能年金金額之80%,至原領局部失能一次金給付金額之半數扣減完畢為止。
If the degree of disability of parts of the body is aggravated due to injury or illness after the insured receives permanent disability benefits, the insured may choose to claim the total amount of the permanent disability benefits at once, but the number of days of receiving the benefits prior shall be deducted; If the insured choose to receive permanent disability pension on a monthly basis, 80% of the permanent disability pension amount will be paid monthly until half of the original partial disability lump-sum payment is deducted.

9. 被保險人領取失能年金給付者,如不符合給付條件時,應自事實發生之日起30日內,檢具相關文件資料,通知本局,自事實發生之次月起停止發給年金給付。
If the insured person receives permanent disability pension, but does not meet the payment conditions, he or she shall inform and submit relevant documents to the Bureau within 30 days. The bureau may cease the payment of permanent disability pension from the start of the month.

Inquiry phone number for labor insurance permanent disability benefit: (02) 2396-1266 ext. 2250

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

1. 一次給付︰申請手續完備經審查應予發給者,本局於收到申請書之日起10個工作日內核付,並於核付後約3至5個工作日匯入申請人所指定國內金融機構之本人名義帳戶。
One-time payment: If the application procedures are complete and the application is reviewed and approved, the payment will be issued within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application. The payment will be issued to the applicant's designated domestic financial account within about 3 to 5 working days after approval.

2. 年金給付︰申請手續完備經審查應予發給者,自申請之當月起,按月發給,至應停止發給之當月止;每月應發給之年金給付,本局會於次月底前匯入申請人所指定國內金融機構之本人名義帳戶。(註:申請之當月,係以原寄郵局郵戳或送達本局之日期為準。)
Annuity payment: Those who have completed the application procedures and should be issued payment after review, will be issued payment monthly from the month of application until the month when the payment should be stopped; the annuity payment that should be paid every month will be remitted by the Bureau before the end of the following month into the applicant's designated domestic financial account. (Note: The month of application is based on the postmark of the original post office or the date of delivery to the bureau.)

●申請書表Application form


Labor Insurance Permanent Disability Benefits Application Form and Payment Receipt


Labor Insurance Benefits – Permanent Disability Benefits FAQ

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工保險死亡給付 Labor Insurance Death Benefit

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


本人死亡給付 Independent Death Benefit

※遺屬年金及遺屬津貼應擇一請領May only claim one of the following two: Survivors Pension Payments or Survivor Allowances

一、喪葬津貼Funeral Grant
If the insured passed away due to ordinary injury or occupational injury or occupational disease during the insurance policy period, the person who pays for the funeral expenses shall receive the funeral grant.

二、遺屬津貼 Survivor Allowances

被保險人於 98 年 1 月 1 日前有保險年資者,在保險有效期間死亡,遺有配偶、子女及父母、祖父母或受被保險人生前扶養之孫子女及兄弟、姊妹者。
The insured has passed away during the insurance policy period leaving his or her spouse, children, parents, grandparents, or grandchildren, brothers and sisters behind but has insurance seniority before January 1, 1998.

2.遺屬順序 Family member order for receiving the surviror allowance:

  (1) 配偶及子女 Spouse and children

(2)父母 Parents

(3)祖父母 Grandparents

(4)受扶養之孫子女 Dependent grandchildren

(5)受扶養之兄弟、姊妹。所稱父母、子女係指生身父母、養父母、婚生子女(包括依民法規定視為婚生子女者),或已依法收養並辦妥戶籍登記滿 6 個月之養子女而言。養子女不得請領生身父母之遺屬津貼
  Dependent brothers and sisters. The term "parents and children" refers to biological parents, adoptive parents, children born in wedlock (including those who are deemed to be children born in wedlock according to the civil law), or adopted children who have been adopted according to law and have completed household registration for 6 months. Adopted children are not allowed to claim the survivor's allowance of their natural parents.

三、遺屬年金給付 Survivor Pension Payment:

(一)、請領資格 Eligibility

The insured has passed away during the insurance policy period.

The insured surrenders the policy and passed away during the period of receiving disability pension benefits or old-age pension benefits.

3.保險年資滿 15 年,並符合勞工保險條例第 58 條第 2 項各款所定請領老年給付資格,於未領取老年給付前死亡者。
Those who passed away before receiving old-age benefits, but have been insured for 15 years and are eligible to apply for old-age benefits as specified in Item 2 of Article 58.

(二)、遺屬順序 Family member order for receiving the Survivor Pension Payment:

  (1) 配偶及子女 Spouse and children

(2)父母 Parents

(3)祖父母 Grandparents

(4)受扶養之孫子女 Dependent grandchildren

(5)受扶養之兄弟、姊妹 Dependent brothers and sisters

(三)、請領條件 Requirements for claiming Survivor Pension Payment

1.配偶:符合下列情形之一。Spouse: Meets one of the following conditions.

• 年滿 55 歲,且婚姻關係存續一年以上。At least 55 years old and have been married for more than one year.
• 年滿 45 歲且婚姻關係存續一年以上,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第一級。At least 45 years old and have been married for more than one year, and the monthly income does not exceed the first level of the insured salary scale.
• 無謀生能力Incapable of Earning a Livelihood
• 扶養下述第2項之子女Raising a child in item 2 below

Children (adopted children must be adopted for more than six months): meet one of the following conditions.

• 未成年。Underaged
• 無謀生能力。Incapable of Earning a Livelihood
• 25 歲以下,在學,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第一級者。Under the age of 25, in school, and the monthly income does not exceed the first level of the insured salary scale

3.父母及祖父母:父母、祖父母年滿 55 歲,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第一級者。
Parents and grandparents: Parents and grandparents who are at least 55 years old and the monthly income does not exceed the first level of the insured salary scale.

Grandchildren: The grandchildren require support from the insured and have met one of the conditions according to (no.2).

Siblings: Siblings require support from the insured and have met one of the following conditions:

•無謀生能力。Incapable of Earning a Livelihood
•年滿 55 歲,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第一級者。At least 55 years old, and the monthly income does not exceed the first level of the insured salary scale.

家屬死亡給付 Dependent Death Benefit

The insured may claim funeral grant if the following member(s) passed away during the insurance policy period (Parents, spouse or children). The term "parents and children" refers to biological parents, adoptive parents, children born in wedlock (including those who are deemed to be children born in wedlock according to civil law), or legally adopted children.

●給付標準Payment Criteria

本人死亡給付 Independent Death Benefit

※If the insured died before April 30, 2011 (including the day) due to occupational injury or occupational disease, and has applied for occupational accident death benefit, or continues to receive occupational disaster survivor pension benefits, the regulations on this page shall apply. If the application has not yet been filed, and after the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act came into effect on May 1, 111, the statute of limitations for claiming has not exceeded 5 years. Death due to occupational accident after May 1, 2011 (including the day) shall be governed by the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act. For details, please refer to "Occupational Accident Insurance/Insured Labor/Death Benefit".

一、喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant

1.被保險人在保險有效期間因普通傷病或因職業傷害或罹患職業病死亡時,由支出殯葬費之人,按被保險人死亡之當月(含)起前 6 個月之平均月投保薪資,請領喪葬津貼 5 個月。
If the insured passed away due to ordinary injury or occupational injury or occupational disease during the insurance policy period, the person who pays for the funeral expenses may apply for funeral grant for 5 months based on the average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior to the insured's death (including the month of death).

2.被保險人死亡,其遺屬不符合請領遺屬年金給付或遺屬津貼條件,或無遺屬者,由支出殯葬費之人,按被保險人死亡之當月(含)起前 6 個月之平均月投保薪資請領 10 個月喪葬津貼。
If the insured has passed away, and the surviving dependents (or if there are no survivors) do not meet the requirements for claiming survivors pension payments or survivor allowances, the person who pays for the funeral expenses may apply for funeral grant for 10 months based on the average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior to the insured's death (including the month of death).

二、遺屬津貼 Survivor Allowances

(一)、普通傷病死亡 Common Injury Death:

1. 保險年資合併未滿 1 年者,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6個月之平均月投保薪資, 1 次發給 10 個月遺屬津貼。
For those whose combined insurance years are less than 1 year, a 10-month survivor's allowance will be issued at once based on the average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior to the month of death (including the month of death).

2.保險年資合併已滿 1 年而未滿 2 年者,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6 個月之平均月投保薪資, 1 次發給 20 個月遺屬津貼。
If the combined insurance years have reached 1 year but less than 2 years, a 20-month survivor's allowance will be issued at once based on the average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior to the month of death (including the month of death).

3.保險年資合併已滿 2 年者,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6個月之平均月投保薪資, 1 次發給 30 個月遺屬津貼。
For those who have combined their insurance years for 2 years, a 30-month survivor's allowance will be issued at once based on their average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior to the month of death (including the month of death).

(二)、因職業傷害或罹患職業病死亡:不論保險年資,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6 個月之平均月投保薪資,發給 40 個月遺屬津貼。
If the death is due to occupational injury or occupational disease, regardless of insurance years, a 40-month survivor's allowance will be issued based on the average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior the month of death.

三、遺屬年金 Survivor Pension

1.被保險人在保險有效期間死亡者:依被保險人之保險年資合計每滿一年,按其平均月投保薪資之 1.55 %計算。
If the insured passed away during the insurance policy period, the survivor pension amount may be calculated based on 1.55% of the average monthly insurance salary for each full year according to seniority.

2.被保險人退保,於領取失能年金給付或老年年金給付期間死亡,或保險年資滿 15 年,並符合勞工保險條例第 58 條第 2 項各款所定請領老年給付資格,於未領取老年給付前死亡者:依失能年金或老年年金給付標準計算後金額之半數發給。
The survivor(s) may receive half of the amount according to the permanent disability pension or old-age pension payment standard if he or she meets the following two conditions: (1) The insured surrenders the insurance, and passed away during the period of receiving disability pension or old-age pension. (2) The insured has 15 years of insurance seniority, and meets the eligibility for claiming old-age benefits as stipulated in Article 58, Item 2 of the Labor Insurance Regulations, but passed away without claiming the old age benefit.

3.前述計算後之給付金額不足新臺幣 3,000 元者,按新臺幣3,000 元發給。
If the payment amount after the above calculation is less than NT$3,000, it will be issued at NT$3,000.

4.發生職災致死亡者,除發給年金外,另加發 10 個月職災死亡補償一次金。
In the event of occupational accident death, in addition to the pension, an additional 10-month occupational accident death compensation will be issued.

5.遺屬加計:同一順序遺屬有2人以上時,每多1人加發 25%,最多加計 50 %。
Surviving family bonus: When there are more than 2 survivors in the same order, an additional 25% will be issued for each additional person, up to a maximum of 50%.

家屬死亡給付 Dependent Death Benefit (Funeral Grant)

According to the following criteria, funeral grant is paid based on the insured’s average monthly insured salary, which started 6 months prior to the death of the family member (including the month of death).

In the event of death of a parent or spouse, it will be issued for 3 months.
In the event of death of children over the age of 12, it will be issued for 2.5 months.
In the event of death of children under the age of 12, it will be issued for 1.5 months.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

本人死亡給付 Independent Death Benefit

※可郵寄或送件至本局申請 Applications can be sent to the bureau by post or submit in person at the bureau.

一、申請喪葬津貼應提具下列書據證件 Required documents for applying funeral grant:

Survivor benefits application form and Payment Receipt.

A death certificate, a prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a declaration of death.

The insured's entire household registration with the date of death and the current household registration applied after the death of the deceased. (Do not omit the remarks)

Funeral expense receipts or supporting documents. However, if the person who pays for the funeral expenses is the recipient of the survivor's pension or survivor's allowance in order, an affidavit should be provided instead.

二、申請遺屬津貼應提具下列書據證件 Required documents for applying Surviving Family Allowance

Survivor benefits application form and Payment Receipt.

A death certificate, a prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a declaration of death.

The entire household registration with the insured's date of death. If the beneficiary is an adopted child, the registration date of adoption must be included; if the beneficiary and the deceased are not in the same household registration, each household registration should be submitted at the same time. (Do not omit the remarks)

三、申請遺屬年金應提具下列書據證件 Required documents for applying Survivor pension:

Survivor benefits application form and Payment Receipt.

A death certificate, a prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a declaration of death.

The entire household registration with the insured's date of death. If the beneficiary is an adopted child, the registration date of adoption must be included; if the beneficiary and the deceased are not in the same household registration, each household registration should be submitted at the same time. (Do not omit the remarks)

(四)、其他證明文件如下Other supporting documents:

•以「在學」資格申請者(子女或孫子女):應檢附在學證明或學費收據。在學證明或學費收據,應於每年 9 月底前,重新檢具相關證明送保險人查核,經查核符合條件者,遺屬年金應繼續發給至翌年 8 月底止。
Applicants who are still under education (children or grandchildren) should attach the proof of enrollment or tuition receipt. The certificate of enrollment or tuition receipt should be re-examined before the end of September each year and sent to the insurer for verification. The survivor pension should continue to be issued until the end of August of the following year for those who meet the conditions after verification.
• 以「無謀生能力」資格申請者:檢附重度以上身心障礙手冊或證明,或受禁治產宣告之證明文件。
Applicants who qualify as "incapable of earning a living" should attach either one of the following documents: (1) Disability card (severe disability or above) or proof (2) A certificate of proclamation of internment.
• 以「受被保險人扶養」申請者(孫子女或兄弟姊妹):應檢附受被保險人扶養事實之相關文件。
Applicants who are dependents of the insured (grandchildren or siblings) should attach a proof of dependency. 

四、申請書除下列情形外,應洽投保單位蓋章Except for the following circumstances, the application form should be stamped by the insured unit:

If the insured unit is out of business, dissolved, revoked, abolished, declared bankruptcy or otherwise, and failed to issue stamps, the applicant will have to apply by oneself and explain the reasons.

Those who apply in accordance with Article 20, Paragraph 1 of the Labor Insurance Regulations may apply by themselves.

3.被保險人於領取失能年金給付或老年年金給付期間死亡;或保險年資滿 15 年,且符合一次請領老年給付資格,於未領取老年給付前死亡者,遺屬得自行請領半數遺屬年金。
The surviving family members may claim half of the surviving allowance by themselves under the following conditions: (1) If the insured passed away during the period of receiving permanent disability pension or old-age benefit. (2) If the insured’s insurance seniority has reached 15 years and is eligible to apply for old-age benefit all at once, but passed away before receiving the old-age benefit.

If the applicant is a foreigner residing in Taiwan, he or she should attach a copy of the following documents: (1) residence permit, (2) passport or entry-exit permit.

Certification or documents issued abroad should include Chinese translations (death certificates and family relationship certificates with sufficient identification are not required to be attached in English) and sent to Taiwanese embassies, consulates, representative offices for verification; if the Chinese translations have not been verified, the certification or documents should be notarized by a private notary public or court.

The certification documents issued by PRC China must be notarized by the PRC China notary office and verified by institutions recognized by the Taiwanese government. (Note: SEF)

The application form for death benefit and the payment receipt should be submitted with the signature and seal of the guardian if the person requesting the death benefit is a minor or an incapacitated person. In addition, a copy of the guardian's household registration should be attached. (Do not omit the remarks)

If the bereaved family members do not have household registration in Taiwan, they should submit their identity and relevant certification documents when applying, and should re-attach their identity and relevant certification documents every year to the insurer for inspection. The attached identity and relevant certification documents are produced by foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macau or mainland China, and should include Chinese translations, and must go through the required verification procedures.

家屬死亡給付 Dependent Death Benefit (Funeral Grant)

If both the insured and the deceased are of Taiwanese nationality, please report to the household registration office to complete the death registration, and then choose one of the following three methods to apply:

(一)、戶政機關通報申請Application through household registration

The insured may bring a copy of his/her financial(bank) passbook to apply for death registration through the household registration office.

If the insured is unable to apply for death registration in person, he or she has to fill out a power of attorney form for the trustee to apply.

(二)、使用自然人憑證申請Apply using citizen digital certificate:

If the insured holds a citizen digital certificate, he or she can apply through the Bureau’s "Individual Online Declaration and Inquiry Operation"online system.

(三)、書面申請Written application

Please fill in the death benefit application form and payment receipt for the family members (the insured can apply by themselves, and the seal of the insured unit is not required), and attach a copy of the passbook of the insured's domestic financial account, which can be mailed or delivered to the bureau.

If the insured or the deceased is not registered in Taiwan, the following documents should be prepared in addition to the application form for death benefit and the receipt of payment for family members:

A copy of ARC, passport or entry-exit permit.

A death certificate, a prosecutor's autopsy certificate or a declaration of death.

Proof of family relationship.

(四)、若被保險人無法來臺領取給付,請出具授權委託書,由受託人於申請 書簽章欄加蓋受託人簽章或受託單位大小印章,並檢附身分證明文件影本。如欲匯入被保險人國外帳戶,請於授權委託書中載明被保險人英文 姓名、銀行及分行英文名稱、分行銀行英文地址及SWIFT CODE等國外 帳戶資料。
If the insured is unable to come to Taiwan to collect the payment, please issue a power of attorney, and the trustee will affix the trustee's signature or the seal of the trustee's size to the signature column of the application, and attach a photocopy of the identification document. If you want to remit to the insured's overseas account, please state the insured's English name, the English name of the bank and branch, the branch's English address and SWIFT CODE and other foreign account information in the power of attorney.

If the documents attached above were issued by non-Taiwanese government agencies, they should be verified by the following units; If the documents are in foreign languages, they must be verified together with the Chinese translation or certified by a domestic notary (If the death certificate and relationship certificate is in English, it is not required to attach the Chinese translation).

Documents issued abroad should be verified by Taiwanese embassies, consulates, representative offices or offices abroad. If the document is issued by foreign embassies, consulates, or authorized institutions in Taiwan, it should be re-inspected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Documents issued in PRC China should be notarized by the PRC China notary office and verified by the Straits Exchange Foundation.

Documents issued in Hong Kong or Macau should be verified by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong or Macau.

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

本人死亡給付 Independent Death Benefit

One-time payment: If the application procedures have been completed and verified for payment, the payment will be processed within 10 working days from the date of receiving the application. The payment will be remitted to the applicant's domestic financial account within 3 to 5 working days.

Pension payment: For applicants who have completed the application procedures and are verified for receiving the payment, the pension will be paid on a monthly basis starting from the month of receiving the application until the month of expiry; the pension will be remitted by the Bureau to the applicant's domestic financial account before the end of the following month. (Note: The month of receiving the application is based on the postmark of the original post office or the date of delivery to the bureau.)

家屬死亡給付 Dependent Death Benefit

If the application procedures have been completed and verified for payment, the payment will be processed within 10 working days from the date of receiving the application by the bureau. The payment will be remitted to the applicant's domestic financial account within 3 to 5 working days.

●申請書表Application form




Labor Insurance Dependent Death Benefits Application Form and Payment Receipt

●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Labor Insurance Independent Dependent Death Benefits Application Form and Payment Receipt

Labor Insurance Death Benefit Application Form and Benefit Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.


Labor Insurance Benefit - Death Benefit FAQ (Benefit for the death of the insured)

Labor Insurance Benefit - Death Benefit FAQ (Benefit for the death of family members)

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工保險失蹤津貼(111年5月1日以前之事故適用) Labor Insurance Missing Allowance (applicable to incidents happened before 1st May, 2022)

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


※After the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act came into effect on May 1, 111, the insured can apply for missing benefits if they are lost in an accident during their operations, not limited to fishery production workers, aviation, sailing workers, or pit workers. See "Occupational Accident Insurance/Disappearance Benefit" for details.

被保險人如為漁業生產勞動者或航空、航海員工或坑內工,於漁業、航海、航空或坑內作業中 ,遭遇意外事故致失蹤時,自戶籍登記失蹤之日起,其受益人得申請失蹤津貼。按其失蹤之當月起前6個月平均月投保薪資70%給付失蹤津貼,每滿3個月於期末給付1次,至被保險人生還之前1日或失蹤滿1年之前1日或依法宣告死亡之前1日止。受領失蹤津貼之順序如下:
If the insured is a fishery production worker or an aviation, marine or in-pit worker, and in the event of an accident during fishing, navigation, aviation or in-pit operations, the beneficiary may be entitled to apply for disappearance allowance. Disappearance allowance shall be issued at 70% of the average monthly insured salary for the first six months from the month of disappearance, and be issued once every three months at the end of the period until the day before the insured survives, or the day before the disappearance of the person for one year, or declared according to law 1 day before death. The order of receiving disappearance allowance is as follows:

(1)配偶及子女。 Spouse and children
(2)父母。 Parents
(4)受被保險人扶養之孫子女。Grandchildren supported by the insured
(5)受被保險人扶養之兄弟姊妹。 Grandchildren supported by siblings

The above-mentioned grandchildren, brothers and sisters are limited to those who were supported by the insured during their lifetime, otherwise they may not apply for disappearance allowance.

●給付標準Payment Criteria

Disappearance allowance will be issued at 70% of the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month since the disappearance of the insured. It will be issued once every 3 months at the end of the period until 1 day before the insured survives, or 1 day before the full year of disappearance or 1 day prior to the legal declaration of death.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

The following documents should be provided for claiming missing allowance (the seal should be properly affixed):

Missing allowance application and payment receipt. ﹝When there are more than 2 beneficiaries in the same order, a receipt shall be issued jointly. If there are other beneficiaries who have not been named, the beneficiary who has received the benefit shall be responsible for sharing. If the beneficiary is a minor, the payment application and payment receipt must be countersigned and stamped by the legal representative or guardian.

The entire household registration with the missing date of the missing person ( If the household registration does not state the missing date, please submit a separate accident report form)

If the insured and the beneficiary do not have the same household registration, they would have to attach their own lastest household registration after the accident date. 

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

申請手續完備經審查應予發給者,本句於收到申請書之日起10個工作日内核付,並於核付後約 3 至 5 個工作日 匯入申請人所指定國內金融機構之本人名義帳戶。
If the application procedures have been completed and verified for payment, the payment will be processed within 10 working days from the date of receiving the application. The payment will be remitted to the applicant's domestic financial account within 3 to 5 working days.


Labor Occupational Accident – FAQ of Missing Allowance

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工職業災害保險醫療給付 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Up-front Medical Expense Reimbursement

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


An occupational injury or illness accident happened to the insured during the insurance policy period (Between the starting date and end date), and he or she has met the requirements of the "Occupational Injury and Disease Review Guidelines for Labor Occupational Accident Insurance" and requires outpatient or hospitalization.

An occupatinal injury or illness happened to the insured during the insurance policy period, and he or she needs to be outpatient and hospitalized within 1 year after the insurance policy period ends.

The insured has suffered an occupational injury or disease during the insurance policy period and has participated in labor insurance afterwards according to the "Regulations on Surrendering and Continuing to Participate in Labor Insurance During the Period of Occupational Accident Labor Medical Treatment". While participating in labor insurance, the same occupational injury and disease happened to the insured again, and he or she needs to be outpatient or hospitalized. 

●給付標準Payment Criteria

If the insured suffers from occupational injury or disease, he or she should seek diagnosis and treatment from National Health Insurance specialized hospitals or clinics. While seeking diagnosis and treatment, the insured is exempt from paying part of the medical expenses stipulated by the health insurance policy, and is able to receive the subsidy “hospitalization meal fee for occupational injury and disease” within 30 days. Moreover, the insured's insurance medical expenses will be covered by the Bureau. The medical expense payment standard is subject to the provisions of the "Medical Benefit Items and Payment Standards of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance", except for the relevant provisions of the National Health Insurance.

If the insured seeks diagnosis and treatment from non-universal health insurance special hospitals or clinics due to emergency occupational injury or illness, or suffers from an occupational injury or illness abroad and must seek medical treatment locally. The insured's insured unit may apply for medical expense reimbursement from the Bureau. Please note that the following are required for applying the medical expense reimbursement: 1) supporting documents 2) the period for reimbursement 3) reimbursement standard 4) reimbursement procedures, and 5) the range of emergency injuries and illness. The above is subject to the National Health Insurance Law and its relevant regulations.

Since May 1, 2022, if the insured seeks medical help due to occupational injuries and diseases, and is determined by the doctor(s) from National Health Insurance special hospitals or clinics that he or she has certain medical demands, he or she may purchase the material item(s) as listed in Article 45, Paragraph 1 of the National Health Insurance Law in advance and apply for the reimbursement afterwards from the Bureau.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

應備書件 Required Documents

※ 可郵寄或送件至本局申請
※ Applications can be sent to the bureau by post or submit in person at the bureau.

When applying for outpatient or inpatient treatment, the insured shall present the following documents to the National Health Insurance special hospital or clinic:
The "Occupational Injury and Disease Outpatient Form" or the "Occupational Injury and Disease Hospitalization Application Form" filled out by the insured unit. (If the insured unit fails to fill out the form according to the regulations, the insured may claim from the bureau and local offices, and it will be issued after verification.)
National health insurance card and national identity card or other documents that are sufficient to prove identity. (If you have a photo on your health insurance card, you don't need to show your identity document)

If the insured uses his or her medical insurance status to seek diagnosis or treatment from National Health Insurance special hospitals or clinics due to occupational injury or illness, but fails to submit an occupational injury and disease outpatient form or hospitalized application within 10 days from the date of diagnosis or treatment, he or she may fill out the following application form to apply for medical reimbursement within 6 months (5 years for special reasons) from the date of outpatient treatment or discharge from the hospital. (The insured may file an application on his own within one year after the surrender of the insurance, in compliance with the provisions of Article 27 of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act. The insured may also file an application on his own by providing an explanation if the insured unit is closed, dissolved, revoked, abolished, declared bankrupt or other reasons and is unable to issue stamps.)

Application form and payment receipt for Advance Self-paid Medical Expenses Reimbursement for labor occupational accident insurance.
Medical certificate or supporting documents. (If the document is in foreign language, a Chinese translation version is required)

Medical expense receipts and payment details. (If lost or used for other purposes, a photocopy should be attached. The photocopy should be stamped and notarized by the medical institution where the original receipt is issued.)

五、因上、下班或公出途中發生事故,應另填具勞工職業災害保險被保險人上下班(公出)途中發生事故而致傷害陳述書 ,並檢附駕駛人駕駛執照正背面影本。
In the event of an accident 1) on the way to work 2) getting off work 3) on a business trip, the insured should fill out a form titled as “Statement of Injury Caused by an Accident On the Way to and from getting off Work (on Business Trip)”. Additionally, a copy of the front and back of the driver's license should be attached as well.

Since May 1, 2022, for those who seek medical treatment due to occupational injuries and diseases, and choose to pay for the special materials and items specified in Article 45, Paragraph 1 of the National Health Insurance Act, they should attach a form titled as “National Health Insurance Special Contract and Management Regulations Consent to Pay for the Medical Bill Difference Form”.

If the insured suffers an occupational injury or illness abroad, he or she shall present a proof of entry/exit or a certificate issued by the service agency.

In case of applying for reimbursement of self-paid medical expenses for hospitalization in PRC China for more than 5 days (included), the medical certification documents (original medical expenses receipt, details of expenses, diagnosis certificate or certification documents, etc.) must be notarized by a notary office in PRC China, and then hold the original copy of the notarized certificate to be verified by the Straits Exchange Foundation.

注意事項 Notes:

If the insured goes to the same National Health Insurance special hospital or clinic for diagnosis and treatment for the same occupational injury or disease, one copy of the Occupational Injury and Disease Outpatient Form with the top and bottom pages can be used up to 6 times. If the insured choose to go to another national health insurance hospital or clinic for diagnosis or treatment, the insured unit should fill out the form separately. On the other hand, if the insured needs hospitalization, the application form for occupational injury and illness hospitalization with the upper and lower pages can only be used once for every single hospitalization need.

If the insured suffers an occupational injury/disease accident during the insurance policy period, and needs to be outpatient or hospitalized within 1 year after the insurance expires, the Occupational Injury and Disease Outpatient Clinic and Hospitalization Application Form can still be used.

If professional trade unions, fishermen associations, seamen general trade unions, captains guilds, or the insured are in arrears of insurance payments and forfeit penalties, the insured unit shall not fill out and issue the insured's occupational injury and disease medical treatment form before the payment is completed according to Article 23 of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act. However, if the insured has already paid the insurance to the insured unit, the form can be filled out.
If the insured unit is in arrears of insurance payments and forfeit penalties, and the insured is obliged to pay, or acts as the representative or person in charge of the insured unit, he or she shall not fill out the insured's occupational injury and disease medical treatment form according to Article 23 of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act.
If the insured unit fills out the medical form, but does not comply with the insurance payment regulations or provide false information or is handed to a user other than the insured, the insured unit shall cover all the medical expenses except the insurance under the national health insurance law and regulations.

●申請書表Application form



Labor Insurance Occupational Accident Insurance Up-front Medical Expense Reimbursement Application Form and benefit receipt  

●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits) / Care subsidy Application Form and Payment Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance - FAQ of Up-front Medical Expense Reimbursement (including care subsidy)

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工職業災害保險傷病給付(含照護補助) Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Injury or sickness benefit (Including Care Subsidy)

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


Injury or sickness benefit:
If the insured is unable to work and unable to receive his or her original salary due to occupational injury or sickness while undergoing outpatient or inpatient treatment, he or she may claim the occupational accident insurance injury and sickness benefit starting from the 4th day of not being able to work.

二、照護補助:Care Subsidy:
The insured is hospitalized due to occupational injury or sickness and applies for occupational injury and illness benefit under the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act. In addition, once diagnosed and approved by the doctor, the insured may also claim care subsidy if he or she has to receive personnel care during hospitalization.

●給付標準Payment Criteria

一、傷病給付Injury benefit:
Occupational Accident Insurance Injury and Disease Benefit is paid from the 4th day of being unable to work until the 1st day before resuming work. The first 60 days is based on the average daily insured salary for the 6 months before the month when the insured has an insured accident. If it exceeds 60 days, it will be paid at 70% of the average daily insured salary, up to a maximum of 2 years in total.

※ 提醒您:勞工保險被保險人於勞工職業災害保險及保護法111年5月1日施行前發生職業災害傷病事故,若尚未提出申請傷病給付,且未逾勞工保險條例規定之請求權時效者,得選擇適用勞工職業災害保險及保護法或勞工保險條例規定請領傷病給付。
Reminder: If the insured of labor insurance has an occupational accident injury or illness before the implementation of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act on May 1, 111, if he has not yet applied for injury and illness benefits, and the time limit for claiming rights stipulated in the Labor Insurance Regulations has not expired , you may choose to apply the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act or the Labor Insurance Regulations to claim the injury and sickness benefits.

二、照護補助Care subsidy:
The nursing subsidy during hospitalization is 1,200 yuan per day from the date of hospitalization and the date of claiming occupational injury and disease benefits until discharge. If you are admitted to a ward with intensive care or isolation, the subsidy is not covered during this period.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

被保險人遭遇職業傷病申請職災給付應檢具申請書件經由投保單位提出申請,請領職災保險傷病給付(照護補助),應檢送下列書件 (均應蓋妥印章,可郵寄或送件至本局申請):
If the insured suffers from occupational injury or sickness, he or she may apply for Occupational and Sickness Benefits through the insured unit. The application documents should be stamped and submitted to the Bureau):

The application form and the payment (subsidy) receipt of the labor occupational accident insurance injury and sickness benefit (care subsidy during hospitalization).

※ 被保險人申請傷病給付不能工作期間如係於退保後1年內,或投保單位有歇業、解散、撤銷、廢止、受破產宣告或其他情事,未能為被保險人蓋章提出申請者,被保險人得說明原因自行向本局申請。
※ The insured applies for injury and sickness benefits and is unable to work within 1 year after the surrender of the policy, or the insured unit is closed, dissolved, revoked, abolished, declared bankruptcy or other circumstances and is unable to provide stamp for the insured (In this case, the insured may self-apply and explain the reasons to the Bureau).

The original copy of the injury diagnosis certificate.

※ 勞工遭遇職業傷病有住院治療且經醫師診斷住院期間需人照護(不包括入住具有加護或隔離性質之病房),一併申請住院照護補助時,診斷書需有入出院日期及住院期間需人照護之記載。
※ If the worker (suffers from occupational injury) is hospitalized and diagnosed by a doctor that he or she requires care giving during hospitalization (excluding admission to a ward with intensive care or isolation), a medical certificate must be provided with the date of admission and discharge plus a statement proving that the insured requires care giving. The above is the requirement for applying hospital care subsidy.

Relevant supporting documents (such as employer (owner) and witness certificates, attendance and leave records, salary records, etc.).

In the case of a traffic accident (first time), please fill in the document titled as “Statement of Injury on the Way to or from Getting off Work (Business Trip) of the Insured Under Labor Occupational Accident Insurance”.


‧ 領取職災保險職業傷病給付、照護補助之請求權,自得請領之日起,因5年間不行使而消滅。
The right to claim occupational accident insurance, occupational injury and disease benefits, and nursing subsidies shall be extinguished due to non-exercise within 5 years from the date of claim.
‧ 傷病給付得分次請領,亦得於恢復工作後一次請領,又如需多次住院治療,得分次請領或於最後一次出院後一次請領,惟不論是申請傷病給付或照護補助,務必於5年請領時效內辦理請領手續。
Injury and sickness benefits may be claimed in installments or be claimed all at once if the insured returns to work. If multiple hospitalizations are required, the insured may claim the benefit in installments or claim all at once after the last discharge from hospitalization. The application for both injury and sickness benefits or nursing subsidies must be completed within the 5-year claiming period.

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

If the application procedures are complete and the applicant meets the qualifications for payment, the payment may be issued. After the bureau’s approval, the payment will be remitted to the applicant's designated financial account within 15 days.

●申請書表Application form


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits Temporary Disability Benefits) Care subsidy Application Form and Payment Receipt 


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance – FAQ of Injury or sickness benefit (including care subsidy)

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工職業災害保險失能給付(含照護補助) Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent disability benefits (Including Care Subsidy)

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.

●請領資格 Eligibility

1.失能給付 Permanent Disability Benefit

‧ 勞工遭遇職業傷害或罹患職業病,經治療後,症狀固定,再行治療仍不能改善其治療效果,經全民健康保險特約醫院或診所診斷為永久失能,符合勞工職災保險失能給付標準規定者,得按其平均月投保薪資,依規定之給付基準,請領失能一次金給付。
If the worker is diagnosed as permanently disabled (symptoms are stabilized after treatment due to previous occupational injuries or occupational diseases, but the conditions cannot be improved from further treatment) by the national health insurance special hospital or clinic and meets the permanent disability payment criteria of labor accident insurance, according to the average monthly insured salary, the worker may apply for a permanent disability lump sum payment.
‧ 失能程度符合完全失能、嚴重失能或部分失能者,得請領失能年金。
If the insured's level of disability meets the condition of total disability, severe disability or partial disability, he or she may apply for permanent disability pension.
‧ 被保險人98年1月1日勞保年金施行前有勞工保險年資,經評估失能狀態為終身無工作能力符合失能年金給付條件,除已領取失能年金者外,亦得選擇請領失能一次金。
The insured may apply for permanent disability pension and permanent disability lump sum payment if he or she had labor insurance seniority before the implementation of labor insurance on January 1st, 2009, and is assessed as permanently incapacitated. 

2. 照護補助 Nursing Subsidy

The insured has applied for labor occupational accident insurance permanent disability benefit due to occupational injury or sickness, and the level of disability meets level 1 or level 2 as specified in the appendix of Article 3 of the labor insurance disability payment standard, and the disability condition is listed as permanently incapacitated.

●給付標準 Payment Criteria

(一)一次金給付 Lump Sum payment

The payment is calculated based on the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month when the insured is diagnosed with actual permanent disability, and is calculated and paid according to the payment grade days specified in the labor occupational accident insurance disability payment standard. The highest level 1 has 1,800 days of payment, and the lowest level 15 has 45 days of payment.

(二)年金給付 Pension payment:

1.完全失能Totally incapacitated:

Disability items that meet the disability level 1 or 2 specified in the appendix of Article 3 of the labor insurance disability payment standard, and the disability condition of the item is listed as permanently incapacitated.
It is calculated and paid based on 70% of the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month when the insured is diagnosed with actual permanent disability.

2.嚴重失能:Severely disabled:

符合下列條件之一:Meets one of the following conditions:
① 符合勞工保險失能給付標準第3條附表所定失能等級第3等級之失能項目,且該項目之失能狀態列有終身無工作能力者。
Meets the disability items of level 3 specified in the appendix of Article 3 of the labor insurance disability payment standard, and the disability condition is listed as permanent incapacitated.
② 整體失能程度符合失能等級第1至9等級,並經個別化專業評估,其工作能力減損達70%以上,且無法返回職場者。
After individualized professional assessment, the insured meets level 1 to level 9 according to the disability scale, and his or her ability to work has been reduced more than 70%, and is unable to return to the workplace. The payment will be based on 50% of the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month when the insured is diagnosed with actual permanent disability.

3.部分失能:Partially disabled:

After individualized professional assessment, the insured meet level 1 to level 9 according to the disability scale, and his or her ability to work has been reduced more than 50%. The payment will be based on 20% of the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month when the insured is diagnosed with actual permanent disability.

(三)失能年金眷屬補助 Permanent Disability Pension and Dependent Subsidy:

If the insured claiming disability annuity also has a spouse or child who is eligible for additional dependents allowance, 10% of the amount calculated according to the disability annuity payment standard will be added to each person, up to a maximum of 20%.

照護補助 Nursing Subsidy

Starting from the month of application, 12,400 yuan will be issued monthly, up to a maximum of 5 years.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

應備書件 Required documents

一、勞工職業災害保險失能給付申請書及給付收據。1. Labor and Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent Disability Application Form and Payment Receipt
二、勞工職業災害保險失能診斷書。2. Labor and Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent Disability Diagnosis Certificate
3. Medical Examination Report and relevant images are required for those who have undergone medical examination.

※ 申請失能年金加發眷屬補助者,另填具勞工職業災害保險失能年金加發眷屬補助申請書及給付收據(限請領年金給付且有符合加發眷屬補助條件之配偶或子女者填具)。
※ For those who apply for permanent disability pension and dependents subsidy, please fill in the application form and payment receipt for Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent Disability Pension and Dependents Subsidy (Only for spouses or children who are eligible to receive pension payment and meet the conditions for additional dependents subsidy).

※ 申請照護補助者,另填具勞工職業災害保險失能照護補助申請書及補助收據。
※ For those who apply for the care subsidy, please fill out the application form and the subsidy receipt for the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent Disability Care Subsidy.

●給付核發 Payment and Issuance 

Lump Sum Payment: Upon review by the Bureau, if the applicant has met the qualifications and the accident is verified. The insurance payment will be issued and remitted to the applicant's designated financial account within 15 days.

Pension Payment: Upon review, once the applicant has completed the application procedure, he or she may be issued payment monthly from the starting month of application until the month when the payment should be stopped; the pension payment issued every month will be remitted by the Bureau to the applicant's designated financial account before the end of each following month (Note: The month of application is based on the postmark of the original post office or the receiving date of the Bureau)

Disability care subsidy: Those who have completed the application procedures and should be granted after review, will be granted monthly from the month of application to the month when the grant should be stopped, with a maximum of 5 years; disabled care should be granted every month The subsidy will be remitted to the applicant's designated domestic financial institution's own account before the end of the month. (Note: The month of application is based on the postmark of the original post office or the date of delivery to this office.)

●申請書表Application form



Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Disability Benefit Application Form and benefit receipt

Labor Insurance/Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent Disability Statement


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance – FAQ of Permanent disability benefits (including care subsidy)

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工職業災害保險死亡給付 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Dependent Death Benefit

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


The insured suffered from occupational injury and death during the insurance policy period.

一、喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant:

May be claimed by the person who pays for the funeral expenses.

二、遺屬年金 Survivor Pension:

Survivors who meet the following claiming requirements in the event of the insured’s death, the following order for claiming survivor pension is as follows.

受領第1順序 First order of claiming survivor pension
遺屬: 配偶及子女 Survivor:spouse and children

請領條件 Claiming Requirements
Spouse who meets one of the following below:
‧ 年滿55歲,且婚姻關係存續1年以上。但如無謀生能力或扶養下列規定之子女者,不在此限。
At least 55 years old, and the marriage has existed for more than 1 year. However, this does not apply to those who are unable to earn a living or support the children specified below.
‧ 年滿45歲,婚姻關係存續1年以上,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第1級。
At least 45 years old, the marriage has existed for more than 1 year, and the monthly working income does not exceed the first level of the insurance salary scale.

子女符合下列情形之一者 (養子女須有收養關係6個月以上) :
Children who meet one of the following conditions (adopted children must have an adoptive relationship for more than 6 months) :
‧ 未成年 Minors.
‧ 無謀生能力 Incapable of earning a living
‧ 25歲以下,在學,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第1級。Under the age of 25, in school, and the monthly work income does not exceed level 1 of the insured salary scale.

受領第2順序 Second order of claiming survivor benefits
遺屬: 父母  Survivor:parents

請領條件: Claiming Requirements:
At least 55 years old, and the monthly working income does not exceed level 1 of the insured salary scale.

受領第3順序 Third order of claiming survivor benefits
遺屬: 祖父母 Survivor: grandparents

請領條件: Claiming Requirements:
At least 55 years old, and the monthly working income does not exceed level 1 of the insured salary scale.

受領第4順序 Fourth order of claiming survivor benefits
遺屬: 受被保險人扶養之孫子女 
Survivor: grandchildren supported by the insured

請領條件: Claiming Requirements: 
孫子女符合下列情形之一者 Grandchildren who meet one of the following below:
‧ 未成年 Minors。
‧ 無謀生能力 Incapable of earning a living。
‧ 25歲以下,在學,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第1級。Under the age of 25, in school, and the monthly work income does not exceed level 1 of the insured salary scale.

受領第5順序 Fifth order of claiming survivor benefits
遺屬: 受被保險人扶養之兄弟姊妹
Survivor:Siblings supported by the insured

請領條件: Claiming Requirements: 
符合下列情形之一者  Meets one of the following below:
‧ 未成年 Minors
‧ 無謀生能力 Incapable of earning a living
‧ 年滿55歲,且每月工作收入未超過投保薪資分級表第1級。At least 55 years old, and the monthly working income does not exceed level 1 of the insured salary scale

三、遺屬津貼 Survivor Allowances:

The insured had insurance seniority before January 1, 2009, and has survivors in the following order:
(1)配偶及子女 Spouse and children
(2)父母 Parents
(3)祖父母 Grandparents
(4)受被保險人生前扶養之孫子女 Grandchildren supported by the insured
(5)受被保險人生前扶養之兄弟姊妹Siblings supported by the insured

May choose to claim between Survivor Pension or Survivor Allowances.

四、遺屬一次金 One time Lump-Sum Death Payment:
The insured have added the insurance for the first time after January 1, 2009. When the insured dies, all those who do not meet the claiming requirements of the survivor pension can apply for One time Lump-Sum Death payment.

●給付標準Payment Criteria

一、喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant:
According to the average monthly insurance salary of the insured, the funeral grant will be paid for 5 months at a time. However, if the insured has no survivors, the funeral grant will be paid for 10 months at a time according to the insured’s average monthly salary.

二、遺屬年金 Survivor Pension:
‧ 按被保險人死亡之當月(含)起前6個月之平均月投保薪資50%發給。
50% of the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month (inclusive) of the insured's death
‧ 遺屬加計:同一順序遺屬有2人以上時,每多1人加發10%,至多加發20%。
Surviving Family Bonus: When there are more than 2 survivors in the same order, an additional 10% will be paid for each additional person, up to a maximum of 20%.

三、遺屬津貼、遺屬一次金 Survivor Allowances and One time Lump-Sum Death Payment
‧ 按被保險人死亡之當月(含)起前6個月之平均月投保薪資,一次發給40個月。
A one-time payment of 40 months will be paid based on the average monthly insured salary for the first 6 months from the month (inclusive) of the insured’s death.

●請領手續Claiming Procedures 

To apply for funeral grant, the following documents should be presented 
‧ 勞工職業災害保險死亡給付申請書及給付收據。
Labor occupational accident insurance death benefit application form and payment receipt
‧ 死亡證明書、檢察官相驗屍體證明書或死亡宣告判決書。
A death certificate, a public prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a death declaration verdict
‧ 載有死亡日期之被保險人全戶戶籍謄本及於死者死亡日期之後申請之請領人現住址戶籍謄本。(記事請勿省略)
A copy of the insured's entire household registration with the date of death and a copy of the applicant's current residence registration after the date of death of the deceased. (Do not omit the remarks)
‧ 殯葬費用支出單據或證明文件。但支出殯葬費之人為當序受領遺屬年金或遺屬津貼者,得以切結書代替。
Funeral expense receipts or supporting documents. However, if the person who pays the funeral expenses is in the order to receive the survivor pension or survivor allowance, an affidavit letter may be filed.

二、申請遺屬津貼應提具下列書據證件To apply for survivor allowance, the following documents should be presented:
‧ 勞工職業災害保險死亡給付申請書及給付收據。
Labor occupational accident insurance death benefit application form and payment receipt
‧ 死亡證明書、檢察官相驗屍體證明書或死亡宣告判決書。
A death certificate, a public prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a death declaration verdict
‧ 載有被保險人死亡日期之全戶戶籍謄本,受益人為養子女時,須載有收養及登記日期;受益人與死者非同一戶籍者,應同時提出各該戶籍謄本。(記事請勿省略)
A transcript of the entire household registration including the date of the insured's death. If the beneficiary is an adopted child, the date of adoption and registration must be included; if the beneficiary and the deceased are not in the same household registration, the household registration transcript from both sides should be submitted at the same time. (Do not omit the remarks)

To apply for Survivor Pension, the following documents should be presented:
‧ 勞工職業災害保險死亡給付申請書及給付收據。
Labor occupational accident insurance death benefit application form and payment receipt
‧ 死亡證明書或檢察官相驗屍體證明書,死亡宣告者為判決書。
A death certificate, a public prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a death declaration verdict
‧ 載有被保險人死亡日期之全戶戶籍謄本,受益人為養子女時,並需載有收養及登記日期;受益人與死者非同一戶籍者,應同時提出各該戶籍謄本。請領遺屬年金給付之受益人為配偶時,戶籍謄本應載有結婚日期。(記事請勿省略)
A transcript of the entire household registration including the date of insured’s death. If the beneficiary is an adopted child, the date of adoption and registration must be included. If the beneficiary and the deceased are not in the same household registration, the household registration transcript from both sides should be submitted at the same time. When the beneficiary of the survivor pension payment is the spouse, the household registration transcript should include the date of marriage. (Do not omit the remarks)

Other supporting documents are as follows:
① 以「在學」資格申請者(子女或孫子女):應檢附在學證明或學費收據。在學證明或學費收據,應於每年 9 月底前,重新檢具相關證明送保險人查核,經查核符合條件者,遺屬年金應繼續發給至翌年 8 月底止。
Applicants who qualify as "in school" (children or grandchildren): should attach proof of enrollment or tuition fee receipt. The enrollment or tuition receipt should be re-examined and sent to the insurer for verification before the end of September every year. After verification, the survivor pension may continue to be issued to those who meet the requirements until the end of August of the following year.
② 以「無謀生能力」資格申請者:檢附重度以上身心障礙手冊或證明,或受禁治產宣告之證明文件。
Applicants who qualify as "incapable of earning a living": should attach a disability card, certificate, or a declaration of interdiction.
③ 以「受被保險人扶養」申請者(孫子女或兄弟姊妹):應檢附受被保險人扶養事實之相關文件。
Applicants who are "supported by the insured" (grandchildren or siblings): Should attach relevant documents to prove that they were in fact supported by the insured.

To apply for One time Lump-Sum Death payment, the following documents should be presented
‧ 勞工職業災害保險死亡給付申請書及給付收據。
Labor occupational accident insurance death benefit application form and payment receipt
‧ 死亡證明書或檢察官相驗屍體證明書,死亡宣告者為判決書。
A death certificate, a public prosecutor's autopsy certificate, or a death declaration verdict.
‧ 載有被保險人死亡日期之全戶戶籍謄本,受益人為養子女時,並需載有收養及登記日期;受益人與死者非同一戶籍者,應同時提出各該戶籍謄本。(記事請勿省略)
A transcript of the entire household registration including the date of the insured’s death. If the beneficiary is an adopted child, the date of adoption and registration must be included; if the beneficiary and the deceased are not in the same household registration, the household registration transcript of both sides should be submitted at the same time. (Do not omit the remarks)
‧ 當序遺屬於被保險人死亡時,全部不符合遺屬年金給付條件之相關證明文件
All relevant documents or certificates that do not meet the Survivor pension payment requirements in the event of the insured's death.

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

Lump-Sum payment: Upon review by the Bureau, if the applicant has met the qualifications and the accident is verified. The insurance payment will be issued and remitted to the applicant's designated financial account within 15 days.

Pension payment: Upon review, once the applicant has completed the application procedure, he or she may be issued payment monthly from the starting month of application until the month when the payment should be stopped; the pension payment issued every month will be remitted by the Bureau to the applicant's designated financial account before the end of each following month (Note: The month of application is based on the postmark of the original post office or the receiving date of the Bureau)

●申請書表Application form


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection for Insured Person Diagnosed With Occupational Disease Withdraw from Insurance Death Allowance Application Form and Payment Receipt


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance – FAQ of Dependent Death Benefit

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



勞工職業災害保險失蹤給付 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Missing Benefit

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


The insured goes missing due to an accident at work

The order of receiving missing benefit is as follows
(1)配偶及子女。 Spouse and children
(2)父母。 Parents
(4)受被保險人扶養之孫子女。Grandchildren supported by the insured
(5)受被保險人扶養之兄弟姊妹。 Grandchildren supported by siblings

●給付標準Payment Criteria

From the date of disappearance, 70% of the insured's average monthly insured salary will be given to the disappearance benefit; it will be paid at the end of every 3-month period until the day before the surviving day or the day before the disappearance for one year or the day before the declaration of the insured’s death. If the insured has been missing for one year or is confirmed dead with the declaration of death, the eligible person may apply for death benefit.

●應備書件Required Documents

Worker Occupational Accident Insurance Missing Benefit Application Form and Benefit Receipt

Transcripts of the entire household registration of the insured. If the beneficiary and the insured are not in the same household registration, each household registration transcript shall be submitted at the same time.

Disaster report or emergency report of missing persons and other relevant accident certificates

Certificate of accident in the execution of duties

●給付之核發Payment and Issuance

If the application procedures are complete, and the applicant meets the eligibility requirements and the insurance accident is verified, the payment will be remitted to the applicant's designated domestic financial institution account within 15 days after approval by the Bureau.

●申請書表Application form


●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Missing Allowance Application Form and Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.


Labor Occupational Accident Insurance – FAQ of Accident Insurance Missing Benefit

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



職業災害勞工保護法津貼補助家屬補助 Labor Occupational Accident Survivors Allowance

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


(一) 勞保被保險人於職災勞工保護法施行後,因職業災害而致死亡。
The labor insurance insured passed away due to occupational accidents after the implementation of the Occupational Accident Labor Protection Law.

(二) 遺有配偶、子女或父母者。第一順位:配偶及子女、第二順位:父母。
Those who have left with spouse, children or parents. First order: spouse and children, second order: parents.

●補助標準Subsidy Standard

A one-time payment of NT$100,000.

●應備書件Required Documents

(一) 家屬補助申請書。
Application for survivors’ allowance.
(二) 申請人之金融機構存摺封面影本。
A front cover copy of the applicant's financial account passbook.
(三) 死亡診斷書或檢察官相驗屍體證明書。
A death diagnosis certificate or a public prosecutor's autopsy certificate.
(四) 載有職災勞工死亡日期之戶口名簿影本,請領人與死亡者非屬同一戶籍者,應同時提出各該戶口名簿影本(現住人口及非現住人口、詳細記事)。
 A photocopy of the household registration including the date of death of the occupational accident worker. If the applicant and the deceased do not belong to the same household registration, photocopies of each household registration (current residents and non-current residents, detailed records) should be submitted at the same time.
(五) 如有同一順位申請人,須填具共同具領同意書。
If there is the same applicant in the same order, a joint consent form must be filled out.


(一) 受領本項補助之家屬順位及發放事宜,依勞工保險條例有關規定辦理。
The order and payment of family members who receive this subsidy shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Labor Insurance Regulations.
(二) 同一死亡事故不得重複請領。
The same death accident cannot be repeated

●申請書表Application form



●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Applicants in the same order for family allowances for workers in occupational accident jointly issue a consent form

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.



職業災害勞工保護法津貼補助看護補助 Labor Occupational Accident Care-Taker Subsidy

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


(一) 勞保被保險人於職災勞工保護法施行後,遭遇職業傷害或罹患職業疾病。
The insured suffers from occupational injury or occupational disease after the occupational accident labor protection law is implemented.
(二) 經醫師診斷終身不能從事工作。
Being diagnosed by a doctor that the person is incompetent to work for life.
(三) 經常需醫療護理及專人週密監護,或為維持生命必要之日常生活活動需人扶助。
Needs medical care and careful supervision by special personnel, or needs assistance for necessary daily activities to maintain life.
(四) 失能程度符合勞工保險失能給付標準所定精神失能種類、神經失能種類、胸腹部臟器失能種類及皮膚失能種類第1等級及第2等級失能標準之規定。
The degree of disability complies with the first and second level disability standards for mental disability, neurological disability, thoracic and abdominal organ disability, and skin disability as specified in the labor insurance disability payment standards.
(五) 未依其他法令規定領取有關補助者。
Those who have not received relevant subsidies according to other laws and regulations.

●補助標準Subsidy Standard

(一) 每月發給新臺幣12,400元。
A monthly payment of NT$12,400.
(二) 同一傷病,請領本項補助,其所有請領期間應合併計算,最長發給5年。
If claiming the subsidy due to the same injury or illness, all the claiming periods shall be combined for calculation, and the maximum payment shall be 5 years.
(三) 本項補助應於屆滿1年之日前檢具3個月內勞工保險失能診斷書連同申請書送本署辦理續領。
A labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate within 3 months and application form should be submitted for renewing this subsidy after reaching one year before the expiration date.
(四) 本項補助,自本署受理申請當月起按月發給,請領期間未滿1個月者以1個月計。
This subsidy will be issued monthly starting from the month which the bureau accepts the application. If the claiming period is less than one month, it will be counted as one month.

●應備書件Required Documents

(一) 看護補助申請書。
Application form for Care-taking subsidy.
(二) 勞工保險失能診斷書。(請洽醫院開具後由醫院逕寄勞保局,再由本署向該局調取,申請人無需檢送醫院開立完成之失能診斷書至本署。)
Labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate. (Please contact the hospital to issue the certificate. Once the certificate is issued, the applicant does not need to send it to the bureau. The hospital will send the certificate to the Bureau of Labor Insurance directly.)
(三) 申請人之金融機構存摺封面影本。
A front cover copy of the applicant's financial account passbook.
(四) 未依其他法令規定請領看護補助之聲明書。
A declaration statement letter is needed if the applicant does not follow the regulation for applying care-taking subsidies.


(一) 同一傷病,請領本項補助,其所有請領期間應合併計算,合計以5年為限。
If claiming the subsidy due to the same injury or illness, all the claiming periods shall be combined for calculation, and the total is limited to 5 years.
(二) 本項津貼應於應於每屆滿1年之日前,檢具3個月內之勞工保險失能診斷書送本署辦理續領。但經本署審定得免檢具勞工保險失能診斷書者,得免檢具診斷書。未依前項規定辦理者,不予續發;逾期辦理者,自本署受理之當月起發給。
A labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate within 3 months should be submitted for renewing this subsidy after reaching one year before the expiration date. However, certain applicants may be exempted from submitting the labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate if approved by the bureau. Those who have failed to comply with the regulation mentioned in (1) above will not be granted for renewal. On the other hand, those who applied after the due date may subject to receive the payment from the bureau once the application is received.
(三) 本項津貼,於受補助人死亡之次月起停止發給,申請人或其家屬應於受補助人死亡之日起30日內通知本署。
This subsidy shall cease to be paid from the following month of the recipient’s death. The applicant or family members shall notify the bureau within 30 days starting from the date of the recipient's death.
(四) 溢領之津貼或補助,本署於核發家屬補助時,應予扣除。
Overpayment of subsidies or allowances will be deducted when the bureau issues Survivors’ Allowance.
(五) 不符本辦法資格而領取各種津貼或補助,本署應通知本人或其家屬自接獲通知之日起30日內繳還,逾期未繳還者,應依法強制執行。
If the recipient does not meet the requirements for receiving all kinds of allowances or subsidies, the bureau shall notify the person or his or her family members to pay back the allowances or subsidies within 30 days once receiving the notice. Law enforcement will be carried out to those who fail to pay back before the due date.

●申請書表Application form


●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Care-Taker Subsidy Application Form same as (Labor Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits) Application Form and Payment Receipt)

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.



職業災害勞工保護法津貼補助器具補助 Labor Occupational Accident Equipment Subsidy

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


(一) 勞保被保險人於職災勞工保護法施行後,遭遇職業傷害或罹患職業疾病。
The insured suffers from occupational injury or occupational disease after the occupational accident labor protection law is implemented.
(二) 因遺存障害,經醫師診斷或其他專業人員評估必須使用輔助器具。
Due to residual impairment, assistive devices must be used after being diagnosed by a physician or assessed by other professionals.
(三) 未依其他法令規定領取相同輔助器具類別之補助。
Not receiving the same type of assistive device subsidies according to other laws and regulations.

●補助標準 Payment Criteria

(一) 輔助器具類別、補助金額、最低使用年限及各補助對象資格依照「職業災害勞工輔助器具補助標準表」規定辦理。
The types of assistive devices, subsidy amount, minimum years of use, and the qualifications of each subsidy subject should follow the "Occupational Accident Labor Assistive Devices Subsidy Standard Table ".
(二) 除人工電子耳、點字觸摸顯示器及桌上型擴視機外,每年以補助4項輔具為限,補助總金額以新臺幣6萬元為限。
Except artificial electronic ears, Braille touch monitors, and desktop video expansion machines, the annual subsidy is limited to 4 assistive devices, and the total subsidy amount is limited to NT$60,000.
(三) 經本署核定補助裝配輔助器具者,於最低使用年限內,不得就同一項目再提出申請。
Those who have been approved by the Department for subsidizing the fitting of assistive devices shall not apply for the same item again within the minimum service life.

●應備書件Required Documents

(一) 器具補助申請書。
Assistive device subsidy application form.
(二) 身心障礙鑑定醫療機構之醫師出具需裝配生活輔助器具或復健輔助器具之文件,或其他專業人員評估必須使用就業輔助器具之證明。
A document stating the need for using assistive devices or rehab assistive devices should be issued by a doctor or health care professional from a physical/mental disability identification medical institution.
(三) 前款文件開具日或所載需用器具之日起6個月內購買器具之統一發票或收據正本(統一發票或收據開立日早於證明文件開立日時,證明文件內應註明輔具需開始使用日期,且該需用日與統一發票或收據開立日間,不得超過6個月)。
The invoice or receipt of purchasing the assistive device within 6 months from the date of issuance of the document mentioned in (2) above. (If the date of issuance of the invoice or receipt is earlier than the date of the issuance of the document, the estimated starting date of using the assistive device should be indicated in the document, and the estimated date of using the assistive device and the date of the issuance of the invoice or receipt must not exceed 6 months).
(四) 申請人之金融機構存摺封面影本。
A front copy of the applicant's financial institution's passbook.

●申請書表Application form




●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Occupational Accident Labor Equipment Subsidy Application and Subsidy Receipt-1

Occupational Accident Labor Equipment Subsidy Application and Subsidy Receipt-2

Occupational Accident Labor Equipment Subsidy Application and Subsidy Receipt-3

Occupational Accident Labor Equipment Subsidy Standard Table

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.



職業災害勞工保護法津貼補助職業訓練生活津貼 Labor Occupational Accident Vocational Training Living Allowance

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


(一) 勞保被保險人於職災勞工保護法施行後,遭遇職業傷害或罹患職業疾病。
The insured suffers from occupational injury or occupational disease after the occupational accident labor protection law is implemented.
(二) 經醫師診斷喪失部分工作能力。
Diagnosed by a doctor as partially incapacitated.
(三) 失能程度符合勞工保險失能給付標準第2至第15等級規定之項目。
The degree of disability meets the items specified in the 2nd to 15th grades of the labor insurance disability payment standard.
(四) 參加政府機關主辦、委託或政府立案之訓練機構之各類職業訓練,每月總訓練時數100小時以上。
Participates in various types of government organized, sponsored, or commissioned vocational training with a total monthly training hour of more than 100 hours.
(五) 訓練期間未領取其他訓練補助津貼、職業疾病生活津貼或失能生活津貼。
Not receiving other training allowances, occupational disease living allowances, or disability living allowances during the training period.

●給付標準Subsidy Standard

TWD 14,800 will be issued monthly during the training period.

●應備書件Required Documents

Applicants should fill in the application form for occupational accident labor occupational training and living allowances. After filling out the application, it should be stamped by the vocational training institution. Once the application is stamped, it may be submitted to the bureau along with the following documents below: 

(一) 經職業訓練機構證明之職業訓練生活津貼申請書。
An application form for a vocational training living allowance certified by a vocational training institution.
(二) 申請人之金融機構存摺封面影本。
A front cover copy of the applicant's financial account passbook.
(三) 職業疾病診斷書或職業災害相關證明文件。
Occupational disease diagnosis certificate or occupational disaster-related certification documents.
(四) 勞工保險失能診斷書。(請洽醫院開具後由醫院逕寄勞保局,再由本署向該局調取,申請人無需檢送醫院開立完成之失能診斷書至本署。)
Labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate. (Please contact the hospital to issue the certificate. Once the certificate is issued, the applicant does not need to send it to the bureau. The hospital will send the certificate to the Bureau of Labor Insurance directly.)
(五) 未請領其他訓練補助津貼或職業疾病生活津貼、失能生活津貼之聲明書。
A declaration statement for not claiming other training allowances, occupational disease living allowances, or disability living allowances.


(一) 職業訓練生活津貼自受訓之日起算,中途離訓或經訓練單位退訓者,訓練單位應即通知本署停止發放。
Vocational training living allowance is calculated from the date of training. For those who leave the training midway or have been withdrawn from the training unit, the training unit should immediately notify the bureau to stop the payment.

(二) 本項津貼,應按申請人實際參訓起迄時間,以30日為1個月核算發放;訓練期間未滿30日者,依下列方式核算發放:
This subsidy shall be calculated and paid according to the actual start and end time of the applicant's participation in the training, with 30 days (one month) as the standard of payment; if the training period is less than 30 days, it shall be calculated and paid according to the following methods:
1. 10日以上且訓練時數達30小時者,發放半個月。
Those who have more than 10 days and 30 hours of training will receive half a month of the payment.
2. 20日以上且訓練時數達60小時者,發放1個月。
Those who have more than 20 days and 60 hours of training will receive 1 month of payment.

(三) 本項津貼,自申請人初次參加訓練之日起5年內,合計以發給24個月為限。滿5年後,停止發給。
This subsidy is paid to the applicant on a limit of 24 months in total within 5 years from the date of the applicant's initial participation in the training. After 5 years, the payment will be stopped.

(四) 本項津貼,於受補助人死亡之次月起停止發給,申請人或其家屬應於受補助人死亡之日起30日內通知本署。
This subsidy shall cease to be paid from the following month of the recipient’s death. The applicant or family members shall notify the bureau within 30 days starting from the date of the recipient's death.

(五) 不符本辦法資格而領取各種津貼或補助,本署應通知本人或其家屬自接獲通知之日起30日內繳還,逾期未繳還者,應依法強制執行。
If the recipient does not meet the requirements for receiving all kinds of allowances or subsidies, the bureau shall notify the person or his or her family members to pay back the allowances or subsidies within 30 days once receiving the notice. Law enforcement will be carried out to those who fail to pay back before the due date.

●申請書表Application form


●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Occupational Accident Labor Vocational Training Living Allowance Application Form and Subsidy Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.



職業災害勞工保護法津貼補助失能生活津貼 Labor Occupational Accident Disability Living Allowance

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


(一) 勞保被保險人於職災勞工保護法施行後,發生職業傷害或罹患職業疾病。
The insured of labor insurance suffers occupational injury or suffers from occupational disease after the occupational accident labor protection law is implemented.
(二) 請領勞工保險職業災害傷病給付期滿或失能給付。
Apply for Labor insurance occupational Injury/disease Benefits payment expiration or permanent disability benefit.
(三) 經醫師診斷喪失部分或全部工作能力。
Diagnosed by a doctor as fully incapacitated or partially incapacitated for work.
(四) 失能程度適合勞工保險失能給付標準第1至第7等級規定之項目。
The degree of disability is relevant to the items specified in the 1st to 7th grades of the labor insurance disability payment standard.

●補助標準Subsidy Standard

The level of disability is equivalent to the labor insurance disability payment standard:

(一)    第1至第3等級,且喪失全部工作能力者,每月發給新臺幣8,700元。
From level 1 to level 3 who are fully incapacitated for work will be paid NT$8,700 per month.
(二)    第2至第7等級,或合併升等後相當於第1等級,且喪失部分工作能力者,每月發給新臺幣6,200元。
From level 2 to level 7 or equivalent to level 1 after combined promotion, and are partially incapacitated for work, will be paid NT$6,200 per month.

●應備書件Required Documents

(一) 失能生活津貼申請書。
Application for disability living allowance.
(二) 勞工保險失能診斷書。(請洽醫院開具後由醫院逕寄勞保局,再由本署向該局調取,申請人無需檢送醫院開立完成之失能診斷書至本署。)
(2) Labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate. (Please contact the hospital to issue the certificate. Once the certificate is issued, the applicant does not need to send it to the bureau. The hospital will send the certificate to the Bureau of Labor Insurance directly)
(三) 申請人之金融機構存摺封面影本。
A front cover copy of the applicant's financial account passbook.
(四) 經醫學影像檢查者,附檢查報告及影像圖片。
Those who have undergone medical imaging examination should attach the examination report and image pictures.


(一) 同一傷病,請領本項補助,其所有請領期間應合併計算,合計以5年為限。
If claiming the subsidy due to the same injury or illness, all the claiming periods shall be combined for calculation, and the total is limited to 5 years.
(二) 本項津貼及職業疾病生活津貼,僅得擇一請領。
Between Disability Living Allowance and Occupational Disease Living Allowance, only one subsidy can be claimed.
(三) 本項津貼應於應於每屆滿1年之日前,檢具3個月內之勞工保險失能診斷書送本署辦理續領。但經本署審定得免檢具勞工保險失能診斷書者,得免檢具診斷書。未依前項規定辦理者,不予續發;逾期辦理者,自本署受理之當月起發給。
A labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate within 3 months should be submitted for renewing this subsidy after reaching one year before the expiration date. However, certain applicants may be exempted from submitting the labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate if approved by the bureau. Those who have failed to comply with the regulation mentioned in (1) above will not be granted for renewal. On the other hand, those who applied after the due date may subject to receive the payment from the bureau once the application is received.
(四) 本項津貼,於受補助人死亡之次月起停止發給,申請人或其家屬應於受補助人死亡之日起30日內通知本署。
This subsidy shall cease to be paid from the following month of the recipient’s death. The applicant or family members shall notify the bureau within 30 days starting from the date of the recipient’s death.
(五) 溢領之津貼或補助,本署於核發家屬補助時,應予扣除。
Overpayment of subsidies or allowances will be deducted when the bureau issues Survivors’ Allowance.
(六) 不符本辦法資格而領取各種津貼或補助,本署應通知本人或其家屬自接獲通知之日起30日內繳還,逾期未繳還者,應依法強制執行。
If the recipient does not meet the requirements for receiving all kinds of allowances or subsidies, the bureau shall notify the person or his or her family members to pay back the allowances or subsidies within 30 days once receiving the notice. Law enforcement will be carried out to those who fail to pay back before the due date.

●申請書表Application form


●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Disability Living Allowance Same as Labor Insurance / Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Disability Pension Extra Dependent Allowances Application Form and Benefit Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.



職業災害勞工保護法津貼補助職業疾病生活津貼 Labor Occupational Accident Disease Living Allowance

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


(一) 勞保被保險人於職災勞工保護法施行後,罹患職業疾病。
The insured of labor insurance suffers from occupational diseases after the implementation of the Occupational Accident Labor Protection Law.
(二) 請領勞工保險職業災害傷病給付期滿或失能給付。
Apply for Labor insurance occupational Injury/disease Benefits payment expiration or permanent disability benefit.
(三) 經醫師診斷喪失部分或全部工作能力。
Diagnosed by a doctor as fully incapacitated or partially incapacitated for work.
(四) 失能程度相當於勞工保險失能給付標準第1至第15等級規定之項目。
The degree of disability is equivalent to the items specified in the 1st to 15th grades of the labor insurance disability payment standard.

After the implementation of this Act, if you quit your job and withdraw your insurance, if you are diagnosed with an occupational disease by a doctor, you cannot continue to work, and this is due to the validity period of the insurance. You must not apply for labor insurance for the same disease.

●補助標準Subsidy Standard

The level of disability is equivalent to the labor insurance disability payment standard:

(一) 第1至第3等級,且喪失全部工作能力者,每月發給新臺幣8,700元。
From level 1 to level 3 who are fully incapacitated for work will be paid NT$8,700 per month.
(二) 第2至第7等級,或合併升等後相當於第1等級,且喪失部分工作能力者,每月發給新臺幣6,200元。
From level 2 to level 7, or equivalent to level 1 after combined promotion, and are partially incapacitated for work, will be paid NT$6,200 per month.
(三) 第8至第10等級,且喪失部分工作能力者,每月發給新臺幣3,200元。
From level 8 to level 10 who are fully incapacitated for work will be paid NT$3,200 per month.
(四) 尚未遺存永久失能或失能程度符合第11至第15等級,且喪失部分工作能力者,每個月發給新臺幣1,900元。
Those who have not yet remained permanently disabled or meets the level of disability from 11th to 15th level, and are partially incapacitated, will receive a monthly payment of NT$1,900

●應備書件Required Documents

(一) 職業疾病生活津貼申請書。
Application for disability living allowance.
(二) 勞工保險失能診斷書。(請洽醫院開具後由醫院逕寄勞保局,再由本署向該局調取,申請人無需檢送醫院開立完成之失能診斷書至本署。)
Labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate. (Please contact the hospital to issue the certificate. Once the certificate is issued, the applicant does not need to send it to the bureau. The hospital will send the certificate to the Bureau of Labor Insurance directly)
(三) 申請人之金融機構存摺封面影本。
A front cover copy of the applicant's financial account passbook.
(四) 經醫學影像檢查者,附檢查報告及影像圖片。
Those who have undergone medical imaging examination should attach the examination report and image pictures.


(一) 同一傷病,請領本項補助,其所有請領期間應合併計算,合計以5年為限。
If claiming the subsidy due to the same injury or illness, all the claiming periods shall be combined for calculation, and the total is limited to 5 years.
(二) 本項津貼及職業疾病生活津貼,僅得擇一請領。
Between Disability Living Allowance and Occupational Disease Living Allowance, only one subsidy can be claimed.
(三) 本項津貼應於應於每屆滿1年之日前,檢具3個月內之勞工保險失能診斷書送本署辦理續領。但經本署審定得免檢具勞工保險失能診斷書者,得免檢具診斷書。未依前項規定辦理者,不予續發;逾期辦理者,自本署受理之當月起發給。
 A labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate within 3 months should be submitted for renewing this subsidy after reaching one year before the expiration date. However, certain applicants may be exempted from submitting the labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate if approved by the bureau. Those who have failed to comply with the regulation mentioned in (1) above will not be granted for renewal. On the other hand, those who applied after the due date may subject to receive the payment from the bureau once the application is received.
(四) 本項津貼,於受補助人死亡之次月起停止發給,申請人或其家屬應於受補助人死亡之日起30日內通知本署。
This subsidy shall cease to be paid from the following month of the recipient’s death. The applicant or family members shall notify the bureau within 30 days starting from the date of the recipient’s death.
(五) 溢領之津貼或補助,本署於核發家屬補助時,應予扣除。
Overpayment of subsidies or allowances will be deducted when the bureau issues Survivors’ Allowance.
(六) 不符本辦法資格而領取各種津貼或補助,本署應通知本人或其家屬自接獲通知之日起30日內繳還,逾期未繳還者,應依法強制執行。
If the recipient does not meet the requirements for receiving all kinds of allowances or subsidies, the bureau shall notify the person or his or her family members to pay back the allowances or subsidies within 30 days once receiving the notice. Law enforcement will be carried out to those who fail to pay back before the due date.

●申請書表Application form


●申請書表翻譯參考Translated reference

Occupational Disease Living Allowance Application Form Same as Labor Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits) Application Form and Payment Receipt

The above-mentioned information was translated for reference only. Please do not use this document for application purpose.



勞動部職業安全衛生署常見問答 FAQ of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


FAQ about Allowances and Subsidies

FAQ of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor

This information is provided by the relevant authority, any change with the information shall be subject to the relevant authority's latest announcement.



如何申請法律扶助、申請扶助律師 How to Apply the Legal Aid Funding Support

●您可以申請扶助律師做什麼 Services

1.法律諮詢 Legal consultation
2.打官司(訴訟代理)Assistance in litigation or lawsuit representation
3.寫法律文件(撰狀)Drafting legal documents
4.協助調解/和解 Negotiation and settlement 

●應備文件 Required Documents

※ 補充說明:下方為基本必備文件,如審查、覆議委員會認為有補充其他文件必要(如存摺、保單、集保存摺等),將另行通知。
Explanation: The documents mentioned below are all required. The review committee will notify you if other necessary documents are required such as passbook, insurance policy, and insurance passbook.

ARC card, passport or R.O.C. National ID Card;
The applicant's household registration book or a transcript of the current household within the last three months.
For applicants who are low-income household, low-middle-income household or a family with special circumstances, please provide the current year’s income or special circumstance certificate.
If the documents listed in No.3 above are unavailable to provide, please provide a list of property ownership information for the entire household (applicant, parents, children and other relatives living with the same property), and a list of various types of income from comprehensive income tax in the most recent year (please contact the IRS: Tel: 0800-000-321)
Related Documents/Information

申請方式 How to submit an application

LAF branches are located in every city/county of Taiwan, please report to the branch at your nearest location to reserve time slots or apply for review sessions.

Online reservation: Please login to the LAF Online Reservation System.
Phone Reservation: Please dial the 7-digit number (412-8518#3) to reserve available time slots. You may also click the link to each branch locations for more information.

●檢警訊問申請律師陪同 First Criminal Interrogation Accompanied by Legal Aid Attorney Program

The services are as follows (The case prosecutors accompanied at scene), (Civil Disobedience Program), (Arbitrator Provision Program). If you would like to have lawyers to accompany at scene, please contact (02)2559-2119 available at all times (weekdays at night and public holidays included)

移工可以申請嗎?怎麼申請?Can Foreign Workers apply? How to apply?

法扶全國七碼專線為主(圖) Special line for legal assistance 7 digits
線上預約Booking Online:https://legal-advice.laf.org.tw/
The website content is in Mandarin, please seek guidance and assistance through friends who understand Mandarin. Foreigners who need translation should remember to check the box during registration.
If you would like to use this service, please fill in the form and we will arrange a time session for you to have legal advice online.  Thank you.


銀行局常見問答 Banking Bureau Common Inquiries

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.

What kind of documents does a natural person of foreign nationality need to open a deposit account in Taiwan?

1.Foreigners with a resident certificate issued by the Ministry of the Interior: The applicant must present the resident certificate and another document which can verify his/her identity, such as a National Health Insurance Card, passport, driver’s license, or student ID card and apply with two forms of identity documents.
2.Foreigners (foreigners without a residence in Taiwan) who do not hold a resident certificate: The applicant shall present the foreign passport with a valid entry visa (or seal) or the Overseas Compatriot Identity Certificate issued by Overseas Community Affairs Council as well as the Record of ID No. in the Republic of China to apply.

Are there restrictions on the types of deposit account that can be opened by foreign natural persons?

Foreigners without a residence in Taiwan (i.e., foreigners who do nothold a resident certificate) may not open checking deposit accounts.

Can a foreign natural person appoint another individual to process account opening in Taiwan?

As a principle, foreigners without a residence in Taiwan [i.e. foreigners who do not hold a resident certificate (including overseas Compatriot)] are required to personally apply for opening an NTD deposit account.
However, those that meet the following conditions or regulations of the competent authority may appoint or authorize an agent to process the application in accordance with the bank's internal KYC regulations:
1.The opening of accounts for the transaction of securities for foreigners who receive a special approval from the Investment Commission, Science Park Administration Bureau, or Export Processing Zone Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, or those who obtain securities due to specific reasons such as gifts and inheritance. 
2.Where the person in charge of the preparatory office of a foreign company is a foreigner without a residence in Taiwan when the preparatory office opens a deposit account at a financial institution.


移工跨國匯兌規定 Regulations for Migrant Workers' Remittance

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.

移工跨國匯兌規定 Regulations for Migrant Workers' Remittance

List of Migrant Workers Applying Non-Employment Services



移工申請理賠指南 Guidelines for Migrant Workers to Apply for Settlement of Claims

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.


移工申請理賠指南  Guidelines for Migrant Workers to Apply for Settlement of Claims

Guidelines for Migrant Workers to Apply for Settlement of Claims