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※ After the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act came into effect on May 1, 111, the insured can apply for missing benefits if they are lost in an accident during their operations, not limited to fishery production workers, aviation, sailing workers, or pit workers. See "Occupational Accident Insurance/Disappearance Benefit" for details.

If the insured is a fishery production worker or an aviation, marine or in-pit worker, and in the event of an accident during fishing, navigation, aviation or in-pit operations, the beneficiary may be entitled to apply for disappearance allowance. Disappearance allowance shall be issued at 70% of the average monthly insured salary for the first six months from the month of disappearance, and be issued once every three months at the end of the period until the day before the insured survives, or the day before the disappearance of the person for one year, or declared according to law 1 day before death. The order of receiving disappearance allowance is as follows:

(1) Spouse and children
(2) Parents
(3) Grandparents
(4) Grandchildren supported by the insured
(5) Grandchildren supported by siblings

The above-mentioned grandchildren, brothers and sisters are limited to those who were supported by the insured during their lifetime, otherwise they may not apply for disappearance allowance.


The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.