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General Information For Direct Hiring Service
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General Information For Direct Hiring Service

In order to provide multiple channels for employers to hire migrant workers and reduce foreign workers’ burden of coming to work in Taiwan, the Ministry of Labor established the "Direct Employment Joint Service Center" (hereinafter referred to as the "Direct Hiring Service Center" or DHSC) on December 31, 2007. The main concept is to simplify processing service procedures into one single contact, and assist employers to hire migrant workers on their own. DHSC has served more than 180,000 employers since its inception, and did earn praise and trust all through these years.

The Direct Hiring Program was carried out in scheduled roll-out phases. In 2008, priority was firstly given to employers who directly hired and re-recruited their same domestic caretaker to work for the second term, while on 2009, other job categories included (manufacturing, marine fishing, construction, institutional caretakers and domestic helpers). In response to the amendment of Article 52 in Employment Service Act on November 2016 wherein migrant workers do not have to leave Taiwan after finishing a 3-years one term contract, DHSC further opened service sector to processing of consecutive employment, transfer application for non-contract renewal and change of job category for finished contract cases. In 2020, services further expanded to employers’ hiring and signing consecutive employment documents with foreign workers already in Taiwan, and on 2021, opened wider to more industries like outreach agricultural work, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery, butchery and outreach manufacturing work, making direct hire processing more diverse.

Moreover, in response to the trend of International Corporate Social Responsibility in recent years wherein “zero pay” reformation was strongly reinforced by international brands, the Ministry of Labor cooperated with the Philippines and jointly launched the "Special Hiring Program" service on 2015, successively brought forth to Thailand, Vietnam on 2016, and finally to Indonesia on 2019. The proposal provided employers or companies services based on their actual demands, assisted them in selection and recruitment of overseas workers to Taiwan, and processing of relative documents.

Employers can send application by mail, in case of no time to apply at the office, or simply just get access to direct hiring official website (https://dhsc.wda.gov.tw). Aside from having consultation services in many foreign languages, we also set up online application help with audio guidance for procedures like filling up forms, printing out, etc.. DHSC further optimized services and launched the “Direct Hiring Assistant APP”, a quicker reference for employers to download and check using their mobile phones.

In addition, for comprehension and help to employers and migrant workers, a special toll-free hotline (0800-665-800) was set up to specially serve migrant workers who totally do not understand Chinese or need assistance during application for payments or claim of benefits. Three-party translation service can be given during the process, so workers can successfully complete the procedures. Now, our service hotline is ready to serve with consultation services for non-employment items in four languages (English, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Thai), and these refer to inquiries or needs concerning Labor insurance, Labor occupational accident insurance subsides or allowances, Business insurance, Legal aid, Banking or exchange rate information, etc.. You are warmly welcome to call our service hotline in case of need.