Payment Standard
1. Old-age Pension Benefits can be selectively paid in below two calculation methods:
(1) Taken highest monthly average salary of the insured person during 60 months x years of insurance premium x 0.775% + 3,000.
(2) Taken highest monthly average salary of the insured person during 60 months x years of insurance premium x 1.55%.
※ Postponed old-age pension benefits: additional 4% of the
benefit amount will be given for postponed application made 1 year after, and so on, and maximum up to 20%.
※ Advanced old-age pension benefits: earliest to claim is 5 yrs in advance, and benefit amount will be reduced 4% for advanced application made 1 year ahead, and so on, with maximum up to 20% less.
※ For those with insurance premium less than 1 year, benefit amount will be calculated in proportion to the actual numbers of months insured; While calculation basis for those insured less than 30 days will be 1 month.
※ Postponed or Advanced application made less than 1 year, benefit amount will be calculated in proportion to the actual numbers of months insured. No alteration can be made after proportion and calculation of benefits made.
2. Lump-sum old-age benefits: Benefit amount = highest monthly average salary of the insured person during 60 months x number of months.
※ Benefit amount will be 1 month of the average monthly insured salary for every full year of insurance made. While for insurance years after 60 yrs old, calculation basis will be fixed to 5 yrs maximum.
※ For those with insurance premium less than 1 year, benefit amount will be calculated in proportion to the actual numbers of months insured; While calculation basis for those insured less than 30 days will be 1 month.
3. One-time old-age benefits: Benefit amount = average monthly salary of the insured person when surrendering insurance (including the month proper) and 3 yrs before (36 months prior to month of surrendering policy) x number of months.
※ Benefit amount will be 1 month of the average monthly insured salary for every full year of insurance made; While for those with insurance premium more than 15yrs, salary of 2 months will be given for every full year made during the exceeding years, with a maximum up to 45 months. If the insured person continues working after 60 yrs old, calculation basis for these extra insured years after 60 will be fixed to 5 yrs maximum, and this extra amount can be added to claim with his/her initial One-time old-age benefit before 60 yrs old, maximum limit up to 50 months.
※ For those with insurance premium less than 1 year,, benefit amount will be calculated in proportion to the actual numbers of months insured; While calculation basis for those with less than 30 days will be 1 month.
Above information is for reference only, and all must comply to latest notice of the competent authority.