Refund Standards
For refund application of out-of-pocket medical expenses incurred in Taiwan, the NHI Administration will give payment approval based on refund standards, and review of professional physicians, so final amount reimbursed may not be same with your formerly self-paid treatment expenses.
Claims for medical treatments of outpatient checkup, emergency treatment or inpatient care incurred outside the jurisdiction of NHI Administration (including China and other foreign countries) will follow same refund processing procedures like those incurred in Taiwan. Similarly, it requires professional review to judge for appropriateness of treatments given, and checking whether it complies to unexpected emergency illness or injury. Also, coverage and payment conditions of benefit claims are same with that of domestic care, and must be complying to the NHI regulations.
There is a certain amount limit for Refund of out-of-pocket medical expenses and maximum is counted: per number of outpatients and emergency care, or daily average cost of hospitalized persons at hospitals and clinics paid by NHI Administration in the previous quarter. Please visit the website for announcement of accurate maximum refund amount posted at global website of NHI, as it will change every season (website: →NHI Services →NHI Medical Expense →Medical Expense and Refund →Refund for Out-of-Pocket Medical Expense →Prepaid Medical Expense Refund Limit for China or other foreign countries).
NHI Administration reminds you to jointly obey and treasure the use of NHI resources, as following the NHI Act Article no.81, one who provides deceptive documents will be subjected to a fine of 2 to 20 times the refundable amount, and criminal offense case will be transferred to court for trial.
For further questions or suggestions related to the insurance claim, here are ways to contact NHI:
1. Dial consultation service hotline 0800-030- 598, call 02-4128-678 when using mobile phones, or just ontact local regional offices of NHI.
2. Send e-mails to「Suggestion Mailbox」of the NHI global information Network, website:
3. Go directly to any regional division or liaison offices of the NHI for counter service.
The above information is for reference only, and process must be guided by the competent authority.