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Q1. I am foreigner, had worked in Taiwan before and paid labor insurance premium. Can I claim for Labor insurance Old-age pension benefits?  


A: There is no difference on the provisions of Labor Insurance Act for foreign insured person or Taiwan nationals when claiming for Labor insurance Old-age pension benefits, and current rules just stated that applicant can apply to claim as long as he/she has resigned and surrendered insurance, with age and insurance years meeting the requirements of Article no. 58 on Labor Insurance Act.


Q2. Can applicant apply for Old-age pension benefits if he/she finished employment contract and already went back to their home country?


A: Applicant is eligible to apply as long as he/she has worked in Taiwan before and paid for Labor insurance premium, with age and insurance years meeting requirements of Article no. 58 on Labor Insurance Act. Please note to prepare and attach all relative documents when applying and just send to the Bureau of Labor Insurance for review and approval.


Q3. What are the documents to prepare, if foreigner wants to apply and claim for Labor insurance Old-age pension benefits?


A: Please prepare below documents and send to the Bureau of Labor Insurance from post office (ADD: No.4, Sec.1 Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100232)


1.Labor Insurance Old-age Benefits Application Form and Payment Receipts

2.Financial institution bankbook cover duplicate copy (strictly needs USD account if foreign account, and please clearly indicate the English name and address of bank, account number, account name, recipient’s account number, and swift code for remittance)

3.Applicants without Household registration in Taiwan must attach Certificate of Identity or Residence authenticated by Taiwan consular or representative office in their home country. Can also attach copies of other identification like passport, ARC used when working in Taiwan (need signature on copy), if you still have them.

4.Resigned applicant who is eligible to claim as previously engaged in dangerous or special job nature physical strength demanding works, must attach work certificate or other supporting document as proof.


Q4. Is there any time limit or restriction when applying for Labor insurance Old-age pension benefits?


A: Eligible insured person can apply to claim for Old-age benefits after job resignation and insurance withdrawal, and there is no restrictions or time limit whether application is for One-time benefit or Monthly pension payment. The rule is Labor insurance old-age benefits will be issued started from the month of application.



Above information is for reference only, and all must comply to latest notice of the competent authority.