Claiming Procedures
Required Documents
The following documents should be submitted if the insured applies for permanent disability benefits, (send applications to the bureau by post or submit in person at the bureau):
I. Labor Insurance Permanent Disability Payment Application and Payment Receipt.
※ The application form should be stamped by the insured unit. If the insured is diagnosed with permanent disability within one year after the surrender of the insurance policy, according to Article 20, Item 1 of the Labor Insurance Regulations, the applicant may self-apply for the benefit. If the insured unit is unable to issue stamps due to closed down or disbandment, revocation, annulment, declared bankruptcy, or other reasons, the applicant may have to explain the reasons while applying for the benefit.
II. Labor Insurance Disability Diagnosis Certificate (The insured should contact a medical institution to issue the certificate, and send it to the Bureau within 5 days after it is issued.)
1. The disability diagnosis certificate for vision, hearing, chewing, swallowing and speech functions, thoracic and abdominal organs (disability), spinal deformity or akinesia, upper and lower limb function or skin disability should be issued by hospitals that are evaluated as excellent or above by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Hospital, or has passed the medical center or regional hospital, hospital evaluation and teaching hospital evaluation. In addition, the hospitals have to be listed under the national health care insurance plan. However, the above mentioned is not applicable for the insureds who are from Penghu County, Kinmen County, Lianjiang County and other islands.
2. The mentally disabled should be diagnosed and be issued a certificate of diagnosis by a psychiatrist. The neurologically disabled should be diagnosed and be issued a certificate of diagnosis by a neurology, neurosurgery or rehabilitation specialist. The bladder incapacitated should be diagnosed and be issued a certificate of diagnosis by a urologist.
3. Other types of disability can be issued by special hospitals or clinics of the National Health Insurance Plan.
4. Those with disabilities outside the enforcement area of this Act may be issued by the original hospital or clinic.
III. An application form and payment receipt of labor insurance permanent disability pension plus dependent benefits (only for those who are claiming dependent benefits and have spouses or children who meet the conditions).
IV. Reports and relevant images and pictures must be attached for those who have undergone medical examination
V. The insured must attach a statement of injury and a copy of the driver's license if the disability is caused by an accident while going to work, or getting off work, or on a business trip (The above forms can be obtained by calling the Comprehensive Requisition Team of the Bureau at 02-23961266, ext. 3666, or by contacting the Service Desk on the 1st Floor of the General Bureau of the Bureau or the offices of the Bureau in various counties and cities.)
VI. If the insured wants to apply for occupational accident disability benefit, in addition to the application documents mentioned above, relevant certification documents should be provided according to different occupational accidents, such as the certificate of the insured unit, employer certificate, witness certificate, accident statement of going to work and getting off work (including official business trip) (forms prepared by this bureau), police station record, attendance punch record….etc in order to prove that the insured becomes disabled due to occupational accident.
Important Notice
1. Those who claim permanent disability benefits must be diagnosed by the hospital as permanently disabled and apply within 5 years from the date of the diagnosis.
[Explanation]: On December 19, 2012, President Hua Zongyiyi Zi No. 10100279771 announced the amendment to the provisions of "Article 30 of the Labor Insurance Regulations". According to the provisions of Article 13 of the Central Regulations and Standards Law, it will come into effect on December 21, 2012. In addition, according to the Letter No. 1010140557 of the Labor Committee of the Executive Yuan dated December 25, 2012, please see the following:
(1) Claims for insurance benefits after the amendments to the above-mentioned provisions may come into effect and shall be handled in accordance with the amended provisions. The time period for the claims is 5 years.
(2) The amendment to the provisions came into effect On December 21, 2012, which protects the claimant's right to claim insurance benefits if the time period has not exceeded 2 years. According to the revised regulations, it the claimant has not used his or her right to claim insurance benefits within 5 years, the right may be invalidated.
(3) Before the amendment of the provisions on December 21, 2012, if no application has been filed within 2 years while the right to claim insurance benefits is still effective, or is denied payment due to the statute of limitations, according to the principle of non-retroactivity of the law, the insurance claim shall be subjected to the pre-amendment policy, and the right to claim insurance benefits may be invalidated.
2. Please do not apply for permanent disability benefits if the insured is still under treatment and the symptoms have not been stabilized.
3. If the insured’s disabled condition has met the condition of “Permanent Incapacitated", or acquired individual professional assessments certifiedied and claimed "Permanent Disability Pension", then the insurance shall be surrendered by the bureau from the date of being diagnosed as permanent disabled. |
4. If the applicant's disability level meets the "permanently incapacity" benefit item or meets the requirement of claiming “permanent disability pension" through individual professional assessment as being assessed as permanently incapacitated, the applicant may only claim one benefit if he or she is eligible for claiming both permanent disability benefit and old-age benefit at the same time. |
6. For those who receive permanent disability pension due to occupational injury or occupational disease, another 20-month occupational injury and disability compensation will be issued
7. If the insured's body is already partially disabled, and the disability of the same part of the body is aggravated due to injury or illness, or the disability occurs in different parts, the payment amount should be calculated based on the degree of disability of the aggravated part, according to the permanent disability benefit payment standard and its attached table. However, the total shall not exceed the first level of the payment standard.
8. If the degree of disability of parts of the body is aggravated due to injury or illness after the insured receives permanent disability benefits, the insured may choose to claim the total amount of the permanent disability benefits at once, but the number of days of receiving the benefits prior shall be deducted; If the insured choose to receive permanent disability pension on a monthly basis, 80% of the permanent disability pension amount will be paid monthly until half of the original partial disability lump-sum payment is deducted.
9. If the insured person receives permanent disability pension, but does not meet the payment conditions, he or she shall inform and submit relevant documents to the Bureau within 30 days. The bureau may cease the payment of permanent disability pension from the start of the month.
Inquiry phone number for labor insurance permanent disability benefit: (02) 2396-1266 ext. 2250
The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.