Old-age pension benefits, after implementation on January 1st 2009, was categorized into 3 items:
1. Old-age pension benefits;
2. Lump-sum old-age benefits;
3. One-time old-age benefits.
Applicants with years of labor insurance before January 1, 2009 (date of Labor insurance pension implementation), can choose to apply for One-time old-age benefits; while those who insured after above the implementation date cannot. Above benefits cannot be altered once being reviewed or approved by the Bureau.
1. Old-age pension benefits:
An insured person who complies to any of below requirements is eligible to apply for Old-age pension benefits:
(1) Applicant age reaching 60 with 15 years of insurance, already resigned and have surrendered insurance.
※Above mentioned eligible age to claim is 60 yrs during 2009 ~2017, yet changed to higher 61 yrs on 2018, then 62 on 2020, 63 on 2022, 64 on 2024, and finally increased to 65 starting 2026 and for the years after.
※ Postponed old-age pension benefits: applicant got 15 years of insurance with qualified age to claim yet postponed application.
※ Advanced old-age pension benefits: applicant got 15 years of insurance but not of eligible age, can still apply to claim, but limited to 5yrs in advance of the qualified age.
※ Labor insurance old-age pension legal and eligible age to claim with matching years of birth
-Born on or before 1957 with eligible age meeting 60 yrs old (see remark#1) on yrs 2009~2017, and advanced claiming age 55~59 yrs old on 2009~2016
-Born on 1958 with eligible age 61yrs old (see remark#1) on 2019; Advanced claiming age 56~60yrs old on 2014~2018
-Born on 1959 with eligible age 62yrs old (see remark#1) on 2021; Advanced claiming age 57~61yrs old on 2016~2020
-Born on 1960 with eligible age 63yrs old (see remark#1) on 2023; Advanced claiming age 58~62yrs old on 2018~2022
-Born on 1961 with eligible age 64yrs old (see remark#1) on 2025; Advanced claiming age 59~63yrs old on 2020~2024
-Born on 1962 with eligible age 65yrs old (see remark#1) on 2027; Advanced claiming age 60~64yrs old on 2022~2026
-Born on or after 1963 with eligible age meeting 65 yrs old (see remark#1) and year to claim calculated based on actual year when applicant reaches 65 yrs old or more; While advanced claiming age will be 60~64yrs, also calculated based on actual year wherein applicant meets 60~64 yrs old (see remark#2)
Remark#1: Legal and eligible age to apply for Labor insurance old-age pension benefits is 60 yrs since implementation of Labor pension system on January 1st 2009, later added 1yr old 10 years after, then further increased 1 yr old every two yrs after, and finally fixed at 65 yrs old marking the maximum.
Remark#2: Applicants born on 1963 can apply with advanced claiming age on 2023~2027; While applicants born on 1964 can apply with advanced claiming age on 2024~2028, and so on.
(2) Applicant age 55 yrs old, resigned with insurance surrendered, and previously engaged in dangerous works or special job nature which requires strong physical strength in the past 15 years.
※ Provisions of the Ministry of Labor before system change, Executive Yuan Labor Committee Order No. 0970140623 regarding labor insurance on December 25, 2008 and effective January 1, 2009 stated that: "Special job nature works which are dangerous or require much physically strength, etc." refers to the following works complying to abnormal pressure hazard prevention standard.
1. High voltage indoor work
2. Diving work
(3) Applicant with less than 15 years of labor insurance, but fulfilling 15 years total when added National Pension insurance, can choose to apply for Labor Insurance Old-age Pension Benefits at the age of 65.
※ Reminders:
1. The insured person is considered eligible to claim for Old-age Pension Benefits only after next day of resignation with insurance surrendered. If day of resignation and surrendering insurance falls under last day of the month, pension will be counted starting the following month.
2. When an applicant dies after claiming Old-age Pension Benefits, remaining amount not yet remitted to his/her account can be claimed by legal heir. If there is any amount difference left unsettled, legal and eligible beneficiary person can choose to apply and claim for it.
2. Lump-sum old-age benefits: Applicant age reaching 60 but less than 15 years of insurance, resigned and already surrendered insurance.
※Above mentioned eligible age to claim is 60 yrs during 2009~ 2017, yet changed to higher 61 yrs on 2018, then 62 on 2020, 63 on 2022, 64 on 2024, and finally increased to 65 on 2026 and for the years after.
※ Lump-sum old-age benefits eligible age to claim and matching years of birth
-Born on or before 1957 with eligible age 60 yrs old on 2009~2017
-Born on 1958 with eligible age 61 yrs old on 2019
-Born on 1959 with eligible age to claim 62 yrs old on 2021
-Born on 1960 with eligible age to claim 63 yrs old on 2023
-Born on 1961 with eligible age to claim 64 yrs old on 2025
-Born on or after 1962 with eligible age to claim 65 yrs old on 2027 or after
3. One-time old-age benefits:
Applicants with years of labor insurance before January 1, 2009 (date of Labor insurance pension implementation), can choose to apply for One-time old-age benefits, as long as requirements complying with any of below. Above benefits cannot be altered once being reviewed and approved by the Bureau.
(1) Age meeting 60 with 1 year of insurance, or female applicants who resigned after 55 yrs old.
(2) Got 15 years of insurance and resigned after 55 yrs old.
(3) Got total 25 years of insurance under one same insured unit, and have resigned.
(4) Got 25 years of insurance, and resigned after 50 yrs old.
(5) Applicant age 55 yrs old, resigned and have engaged in dangerous works or special job nature which requires strong physical strength in the past 5 years
※ Provisions of the Ministry of Labor before system change, Executive Yuan Labor Committee Order No. 0970140623 regarding labor insurance on December 25, 2008 and effective January 1, 2009 stated that: "Special job nature works which are dangerous, or require much physically strength, etc." refers to the following works complying to abnormal pressure hazard prevention standard.
1. High voltage indoor work
2. Diving work
Above information is for reference only, and all must comply to latest notice of the competent authority.