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Home > 移工非就業服務事項四國語言專區


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Application Procedures

  • 發布日期:


  • 更新日期:


  • 點閱人氣:


Foreign national insured person with eligibility to claim for Old-age benefits should prepare below documents: 


1.Old-age benefits application form and payment receipts


2. Financial institution bankbook cover duplicate copy (strictly needs USD account if foreign account, and please clearly indicate the English name and address of bank, account number, account name, recipient’s account number, and swift code for remittance)


3.Certificate of Identity issued by the local government of residence (like Household registral certificate, passport, etc.), need translate to Chinese if document is in English, and all documents attached must be authenticated by the Taiwan embassy consular office abroad, or representative office. In order to verify labor insurance information, can also attach copy of other identifications like passport, ARC used when working in Taiwan (need signature on copy), if you still have them.


4.Resigned applicant who is eligible to claim as previously engaged in dangerous or special job nature physical strength demanding works, must attach work certificate or other supporting document as proof.


Above information is for reference only, and all must comply to latest notice of the competent authority.