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Home > 移工非就業服務事項四國語言專區


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I.  If claiming the subsidy due to the same injury or illness, all the claiming periods shall be combined for calculation, and the total is limited to 5 years.

II.  Between Disability Living Allowance and Occupational Disease Living Allowance, only one subsidy can be claimed.

III. A labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate within 3 months should be submitted for renewing this subsidy after reaching one year before the expiration date. However, certain applicants may be exempted from submitting the labor insurance disability diagnosis certificate if approved by the bureau. Those who have failed to comply with the regulation mentioned in (1) above will not be granted for renewal. On the other hand, those who applied after the due date may subject to receive the payment from the bureau once the application is received.

IV. This subsidy shall cease to be paid from the following month of the recipient’s death. The applicant or family members shall notify the bureau within 30 days starting from the date of the recipient’s death.

V.  Overpayment of subsidies or allowances will be deducted when the bureau issues Survivors’ Allowance.

VI. If the recipient does not meet the requirements for receiving all kinds of allowances or subsidies, the bureau shall notify the person or his or her family members to pay back the allowances or subsidies within 30 days once receiving the notice. Law enforcement will be carried out to those who fail to pay back before the due date.

The above information is for reference only, the process must be guided by the competent authority.